Today’s Scripture: But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. Luke 12:48 New Living Translation
LORD, LORD do you know me? Interestingly as I spent time with God this morning I was reminded of my pastor’s reference this weekend to a scripture where the Lord said that some will come to Him and say Lord, Lord and He will say He didn’t know them. Will He know you?
No longer surprising to me but as I picked up in Luke where I have been searching for Affirmations this month I was at Luke 12. I read Luke 12 and 13 and there in Luke 13 was Luke’s version of this same message. In this version the master has already closed the door to his house and there will be some on the outside knocking to get in and he tells them “I do not know where you come from”. God are you trying to tell me something?
Of course He is. What is required of us? Just yesterday in Luke 11 we were encouraged to be persistent. Are we persistently going to the LORD so He will know us? In Luke 12 and 13 we are encouraged to always be ready for the LORD’s return. We are to do the things necessary to bear fruit and spread His kingdom. I chuckled as I read where he tells us a story in Luke 13:8 that a tree was going to be cut down for not bearing fruit. But the gardener is asking for one more chance: “Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure” ESV. Ha, yes Lord, please give us another year to work around these roots and use the manure we have to bear fruit…will we?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, Help me to stay alert for Your return and do what You require. Continue to strengthen me and keep me forever mindful to keep You in all things. Prosper the seeds of Your Kingdom and help me to walk through the narrow way. My confidence lies in You and I trust In You providing all I need. I trust Your Holy Spirit to give me the words and show me the fires to kindle to be prepared for Your return. Thank You for knowing me. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
>>> “Help me to stay alert for Your return and do what You require.”
Thanks, Tom-that is what I am praying today!
Thanks Dustin, I pray it is a blessing!
He has shown you what is good. And what does The LORD require of you? Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with Him.
Oh yes.
Tom, thanks for this one. It put some things into perspective.
Thanks Donald and thanks for the scripture reference. Let’s do it!
I had a dream Tom…. to make it short….. At he judgment…. I had no deeds for show. God used this dream to awaken me to the things that is important to God. As a believer, I want to do what is right. I want to be obedient. Again, I am reminded that we are able to do a lot of things within our own power and/or for our own gain. But those things that we do for God will be for His gain, the gain of the Kingdom. All the other is rubbish. I do believe that the key to the works is if the works edify Christ. As I reflect on my life post-dream, I must confess that much of the fruit on my tree is not quality fruit. Yes, lets journey together seeking God and His kingdom, and as we go let’s make disciples.
YES and YES, Patsy may we spur each other on to bear the fruit He intended for us. May we be encouraged that the seed He has given each of us is enough to grow into a great tree where others find refuge in our branches! Thank you for sharing your dream and be encouraged that I am praying that you bear the fruit He intended for you. “Be bold and courageous, hasn’t He commanded you?” I know you are working hard in your son’s ministry and I know you are making disciples and changing lives. May God speak clearly to you in deams, visions and any of His countless ways for your ministry!