Which part is yours? In Ephesians 4:1 Paul directs each of us to live a life worthy of our calling. Do you know what your calling is? Do you think you have lived the life you have lived by accident and you are where you are today by chance?
We have all been called. For years I wondered what my “calling” was. Lord what is my purpose? I have come to understand it is not about my purpose at all, it is about His. I find my purposes in His purposes. But Paul says some are called to be different things. Yes we are all different and we can all walk worthy of our individual callings.
We are all part of the same body. Ephesians 4:4 states: There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; (NASB)
The New Living Translation says “he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:7). We each have a special gift. We HAVE a special gift. Not we will get, we have. Is it possible that our “calling” is just to use our “gift” we are? Is it possible that we can just share what we have where we are?
Can we live our life worthy of our calling? What will make our lives worthy? Do we give what we have? What are we supposed to do with our gifts? In verse 12 we are told we are gifted so we may equip or prepare God’s people to build up the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:12: Their purpose is to prepare God’s people to serve and to build up the body of Christ. (GWT) Paul tells us we are to mature and grow up in our faith to be more like Christ. How can we grow and help others grow? Is it possible to just share our “story” with others? This is where I have been and this is what God is doing with me today. I am growing, I am maturing and I pray some how God will use this to prepare and build those who can relate to my story.
Your story is different than my story. Can that be your gift, your calling? Just tell the truth of where we are. Ephesians 4:15 “as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head.” (GWT)
He makes the whole body fit together and unites it through the support of every joint. As each and every part does its job, he makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. (Ephesians 4:16 GWT)
This begins with you and me doing our part. A part we already have. Look no further. You have your part, are you doing it? Today’s affirmation is just to remind us to commit to doing our part, where we are today and with whom God has placed in our path. We are to tell how we have put on the “new self” and “SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR” (verse 25 NASB)
We have been gifted and called to just share our truth with our neighbors in love so they may have one hope of a new self. We are all part of the body to reach our neighbors. Can we do our part?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
liz elias says
I think to truly know and hear your calling, you must be surrendered to the Lord completely. It has taking me a long time to build a relationship with God. I like you, knew of Him, but me myself did not experience Him till three years ago. And really began to grow in my christian walk, and understand, I was called to His body for a purpose, to do His will. And, like you state, my talent or calling is different from my brothers or sisters. It’s individual, and only you and God can know what that is. Is it evident ? sometimes. Is it easy? not always. Is it worth your time and devotion? yes, and again I say yes. I no longer struggle to hear Him, and my obedience has also matured , am I perfect by no means,do I stumble? all the time. But, I continue on my grace given path He leads me on, and pray that the little bit I do will somehow be worthy of Him. liz
tomraines says
Liz, beautifully said. I too only became to know God @ three years ago after many years of knowing about Him and even teaching about Him. When I was finally broken and went to my knees daily did this relationship begin to be amazing. You were just writing my story above and yes I pray that the little bit I do will somehow be worthy of Him. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to hearing from you again!
Robin says
It’s so freeing to remember that God doesn’t expect me to be someone else. So often I see the good things another person is doing and I feel so bad that I’m not doing “those things” too. Relief spreads through me as I realize God made me to be me. And He can use me even with all my faults and weirdness! Good word Tom.
tomraines says
Robin, I am so thankful that you are you my dear friend. Unique is not weird it is special and by design. God made you perfectly! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Cindy says
“Lord what is my purpose? I have come to understand it is not about my purpose at all, it is about His.” And even when I understand it, I have to remind myself…again and again. A theme in my life, this. “God,” I pray, “here I am. I’m ready to be sent out Lord…to be used…produce fruit for you–a 100 times as much as You’ve planted in me!” Yes, and while I wait for the understanding of my “purpose” I miss the servant opportunities He’s placed right in front of me. (Pride?) Like the moon simply reflects the light the sun, I really am called to reflect the love of the Son, right…where…I…am. Thank you for this message Tom, and more…for doing your part, right where you are.
tomraines says
Powerful Cindy! What a beautiful image to just reflect the Son. We can do that can’t we? No pressure to think and wait for our purpose, just reflect where we are. Thank you for sharing and your encouragement! Happy Thanksgiving!
projectmathetes says
My calling/gifting is being able to make folks angry in like, 3 seconds. Hey, I do what I can.
Actually, I couldn’t say exactly what my calling/gifting is. I was taught early on in my covenant with Jesus that spiritual maturity can never be measured by a “gifting”, but only by fruit. So I have kinda looked at the spiritual gifts as being more free-flowing for specific times and places in The BIG Picture. We simply need to be obedient to be used, in whatever fashion our God desires.
I will admit that I do enjoy teaching, warfare, and evangelism. If only there was a cool sports jersey for that.
tomraines says
Donald, I would say you are most certainly gifted with a warriors heart. You love God and are willing to fight evil and confront false teachers. I can’t picture the jersey but see you in full armor with the breast plate of righteousness. Yes, let’s just let the Spirit flow and gift us when we need it to produce the fruit He wills. Keep teaching, keep fighting and keep spreading truth!