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Don’t you love it when you find a scripture that says something you just can not verbalize? This weekend as I sat around a campfire I responded to a sincere question about my addictions. “Is it a daily struggle for you?”
I have not thought about that time in my life where it was a minute to minute struggle in quite a while. God YOU are so good and faithful to us. How I praise You. Sitting at that fire I quickly get to the statement that I am thankful for my addictions and no, it is no longer a daily struggle. In my addictions I found my passions. Weird but true. Today, in God’s Holy Scriptures Paul has given me a glimpse of why I feel that way but can’t quite explain it.
John Baker who followed the Lord’s calling to start Celebrate Recovery has 1 Corinthians 1:3 mentioned in his lesson 23 entitled “Give” and I went there this morning to see if the Holy Spirit would show me some affirmations. Once again the Holy Spirit touched me and I hope you are touched.
Today’s affirmation was taken from 2 Corinthians 1:4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. (NLT) Yes, God has comforted me in so many ways and could this be why He gives me a passion to share that comfort. The comfort that He has given me runs through every fiber of my body and I just wish I could share it with those needing comfort.
I can not verbalize it but I can proclaim that God IS the God of all comforts as stated in verse 4. Paul writes about this God of all comfort to the people of Corinth and he makes a proclamation in verse 6 that gave me an “aha” moment. In verse 6 Paul says: Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. (NLT) Maybe it’s not about me at all. Just maybe I suffered to help others. When we suffer this may lead to the salvation of others. A day is coming when what we endure will be a blessing to others. There is hope.
I know some of you are in the middle of total discomfort right now. You can not feel comfort although you cry out for it. You are confused and angry at God and everyone else. Tom, you do not understand my pain. You are right, I do not. All I can tell you is that whether in life or in death He is still the God of all comfort. A day is coming that you will hardly recall your illness and you will just feel the comfort of God. It is there He is there.
Others will be able to endure and find comfort because of what you have experienced. If you find comfort, give it to others. I guess for me the passion part came in the form of being honest and open to share that God does comfort. In verses 9 and 10 we are reminded that this is the God who raises the dead that we trust in. He has delivered us in the past and He will continue to deliver us.
He gave us the Holy Spirit who gives us the passion to help others who need comfort. To share the comfort what we ourselves have received. No matter where you are in your struggles have confidence and faith that the God of all comfort will comfort you. God will place those around you that will give you comfort and then will place people in your life you may comfort.
God is faithful. One day whether in this life of the next you will find comfort and many others will be comforted and saved because of your life and your story. Paul says that we endure for the comfort and salvation of others. I am thankful He can take a daily struggle when I look to myself and turn that same thing into a passion that will comfort and provide salvation to others when I look to HIM.
Have you ever received comfort from God that you can now offer to others? Do you know anyone who has been comforted that would love to comfort you? Have someone or a group you can be honest with.
God is Faithful (2 Corinthians 1:18 NKJ).
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
This, I believe Tom, is one of the fundamental reasons we are taught as we are from the Scriptures. We were NEVER meant to keep things to ourselves. Any learning we might get is to be shared with others. Whether comfort or joy or heartache or encouragement, it is all to be shared. Good thought today.
tomraines says
You are so right Bill. The evil one tries to convince us it is better to be kept to ourselves but God will bring it to light. This light will shine brightly for others!! I love the freedom of openness and honesty!
Meg says
Wonderful words, Tom. Thank you so much for all the goodness you share.
tomraines says
Thank you Meg for your encouragement, I am thankful for your following this little space and pray God is at work here and you find the comfort you need! says
I really really really need God to be the God of All Comfort. I ended a relationship that lasted 3 years. EVERY NIGHT – he would listened and understand and comfort as we ended the day on the phone. It is irreplaceable. Still waiting for God to meet this cavernous hole. And yes, I’ve tried worship, other people, reading, sleeping pills, other ways to numb the pain….I am waiting for God. Test…and know that I am God. I am waiting on him.
Interestingly enough – I was able to comfort someone today with the comfort I have received – not in an area where other’s hurt me or circumstances hurt me – but in an area where I hurt myself and I learned I either forgive myself or let Satan keep me trapped in shame. I wouldn’t have EVER thought my sin could work for good…and while the Sin didn’t – experiencing the love and forgiveness of God has – and has changed my previously judgemental mindset to one of compassionate understanding and yet, conviction – that God’s way is the right way.
tomraines says
Debi, thank you so much for sharing your heart. Way to go in helping to provide comfort to this other person. God will not waste our hurts and what was once darkness will be brought to light and the comfort and salvation will be real and welcomed. I am praying for you and your void. Keep using that space to be a conduit to God. May that conduit be what draws you to him! Satan will try to make us think things are irreplacable when really God has planned much greater things for us. I pray God brings the right people into your life to ease your pain and give you comfort. I am going to my Celebrate Recovery meeting now and I can only tell you it is one of my favorite activities. If you can find one in your area you will find some amazing people that will definitely provide you with comfort. There will be ladies there who have experienced what you have. You will have a small safe group you can share all of your hurts, habits and hangups. I have found this experience to be freeing and comforting in so many areas of my life. Just to be able to share with others ANYTHING that you struggle with and they are there to support you. Let me know if you have any questions but for me it has been a wonderful experience! I am sure there are several in your area. In Christ’s love! says
Guess who has been in leadership in Celebrate Recovery:). It is a great group. Even so, there are times we all struggle, yes? Unfortunately, it is more kosher to struggle when we have the glorious solution – rather than when we are just still in the middle of it. I am hoping that God is dealing with the “roots” of my issue – thus the length of time I have spent here. Do you know the analogy of walking down the same road and falling down the same pit. Sometimes I still want to deceive myself that “this time” I wil be able to walk over the hole without falling in. Eventually – I will JOYFULLY choose a different road and wonder what the attraction ever was….
tomraines says
Yes, I know what you are talking about. I too was in leadership in CR. I am not now but love going and spending time in those small groups! It has helped me to share in the lives of others and to just put out there ALL of my issues. Just being able to be honest and also share in the lives of others has definitely been a place where because I have told them over and over about not wanting to step in that hole that sometimes that momentary thought of having to tell them AGAIN that I fell in…helps me step over. Hope you still get to go and share with them. The Holy Spirit will continue to guide you during this season and there will be joy and comfort as we continue to rely on His path instead of ours…thanks for being so honest. The first part of missing the holes is to recognize there are holes and admitting we fall in, right?? I am praying with you sister! His Spirit is all that is irreplacable!