Today’s Scripture: But this is the covenant I will make with the people ofIsrael on that day, says the Lord:
I will put the laws in their minds so they will understand them, and I will write them on their hearts so they will obey them. I will be their God and they will be my people. Hebrews 8:10 NLT Tyndale
Aren’t you thankful that this new covenant was given to all of us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? The God of the universe, the creator of all considers us His. And He is ours.
I distinctly felt joy in the awe of Him this morning. My heart, this heart He promised to write on, was drawn to His light. The eyes of my heart could see and feel His light. As I come back to Hebrews I get it. I get that this material was written to a people who worshiped at a man made tabernacle with rules and a High Priest that only could go to the holy of holies one time a year.
There came a day when Jesus died for us. The veil of the tabernacle was torn apart so we now could worship with the one true High Priest without ceasing. What He has put in our minds and our hearts is His. Now He is ours. No limits, no man made rules or structures; only hearts and minds drawn to Him. There is such joy and comfort in the glow of His light.
Is He your God?
Today’s Prayer: Holy Father, thank You for Jesus our High Priest and for His sacrifice for me. Thank You for putting Your laws in my mind and for writing Your laws on my heart. Help me to obey You. Thank You for allowing my heart to come directly into Your Holy of Holies. I have experienced Your light and hope to always live in Your warm embrace. Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
lize says
“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.” Psalms 13:5. Thanks for the prayers Tom. It has, been awhile now, that I really take into consideration the gracious covenant I have with my Savior. It is precious, and I am so unworthy. thank you, Jesus for this precious gift. Amen.
Tom Raines says
Thanks lize! What a gift. “my heart rejoices” are not empty words are they?! Bless you!
bill (cycleguy) says
“I am His” has a certain ring to it that calms my soul and energizes my spirit. Thanks Tom.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Bill, I am with you. There is a calm and strength only He can give. Let it ring!!!
jelillie says
I love thinking about this Tom! I am His and He is mine! No longer do we have to go to the temple and go into the Holy of Holies. Now we are the temple of the Holy Spirit! The Holy of Holies is in us! Oh… Blessed Thought!
Tom Raines says
O wow, I LOVE THIS Jelille!!! The FACT that the Holy of Holies is IN US is amazing. As Bill says this energizes our spirits and quite frankly sends chills throughout the temple!!! Thanks!
Jeff Gum says
Thanks, Tom, for letting me know about your blog…and for lunch. I look forward to enjoying and growing through these scriptures, too. Many blessings to you and your family. Jeff
Tom Raines says
Welcome Jeff. I gues all the talk of empowering books we should read and those who motivate us drove me to my passion. I pray that you will find one of these affirmations that will nourish you. Most of all my prayer is that you find as much joy as I have found searching for them. Please chime in any time and let me know the affirmations you yourself find in God’s book. This book we can and will read! Hope to hear from you again.