Today’s Scripture: Ephesians 2:22 ESV: In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.
We are being built to have God live in us. Built for it. No wondering where God is, He created us and built us to have His Holy Spirit live in us.
Have you found where the Spirit lives? Have you been still long enough to try and find Him? I used to be really confused by this but have found if I was still and sought to know God I became to recognize and know His presence. He does build us if we seek Him.
With His presence came His hope, His peace and His good works. He made each of us who we are to be a part of His family and have Him live.
How will somebody see God living in you today?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for living in me. Help me to know Your Spirit more and more. Consume me Father with the good works You prepared in advance for me to do. Help me to improve my conscious contact with the Holy Spirit and have You freely live in and through me. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Cindy says
Will someone see God living in me today? Whew! Keepin’ it real! Thank you Tom. I’ve just read yesterday’s and today’s post…my filling in the blank for yesterday, well, it is an answer to this question. Oh thank You Holy Spirit for living in us and moving in us and having Your way with us! Peace, Cindy
Tom Raines says
Yes Cindy, I second your prayer and thank the Holy Spirit for living in us and moving through us and allowing us to reflect Him! Bless you!
jelillie says
How will someone see God living in me today? I took that to my prayer closet this morning. I have asked Jesus to shine through me in peace in the midst of my storm! I sense His sweetness and I am at rest! Thanks Tom!
Tom Raines says
Jelillie, thank you for taking the challenge to God in prayer! The sense of His sweetness and His rest is a wonderful gift to share. Don’t you just love the peace of the Holy Spirit when we open our spirit to Him??!! Blessings to you and those who receive your gift today!
missymiller says
So incredibly timely for me today Tom, I was thinking about this on the way to work and — as often happens, by midday, I had lost my “connection” and am so thrilled to read this during my breaktime.
Tom Raines says
Thanks for visiting again Missy and I praise God for His awesome timing. Isn’t it amazing how when we seek to find the connection it amazingly appears. Blessings to you and praying those connections with the Almighty are empowering!!