Have no doubt. God does hear us. Although we can not begin to comprehend His majesty, His power and His glory He hears us. Can I give you a tiny example of the how the hand of God touches us?
Just this morning in a walk through the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus gave us I was traveling through my mind’s eye through the “hallowed be thy name” part. This is a time where I retrace who God is. The Creator God, The God of Adam and Eve, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and so on. Out of the “blue” I had the thought that I was praying to the same God that was the God on the mountain to those in the wilderness and the God the people of Egypt had cried to before He freed them. He heard their groaning in Exodus 2:24.
The next thing I know I get taken to Job after my prayer time and end up reading through the responses of Job and the LORD. I love Job and His heart and if you ever doubt who God is, take some time to reread Job. If you haven’t read Job in a while give yourself a treat. If you don’t have time for it all today just pick up at chapter 26 and see what our hearts should look like and catch a glimpse of who God is.
I captured over 30 affirmations and my heart was touched by the hand of God. He reminded me in my quiet time that He hears our cries. Then in Job I am reminded in chapter 26 of how we have only caught glimpses of God’s greatness. Job reminds us that this is the God who hung the earth on nothing. Are you beginning to sense our place in relation to God himself?
As Job states in Job 26:14 Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, And how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand? (NKJ)
This God creates and maintains a perfect balance and sustains a world that we can not begin to comprehend. The pillars of heaven are even astonished at Him! In 27:12 Job reminds us that we have all seen Him. Surely all of you have seen it; Why then do you behave with complete nonsense? (NKJ). Whether we choose to admit it or not, we have all seen the evidence of God. We live in a world perfectly created which provides perfectly for the needs of its inhabitants yet many choose to believe in nonsense that there is no God. That is not that they have not seen yet only that they choose to rely on what they can understand. Be careful when you lean on an understanding that does not even understand the mere edges of His ways.
As a matter of fact in Job 28:20 we are asked “From where then does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? In verse 23 we are promised: God understands its way, And He knows its place. In 28:28 it is clear And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding.'” (NKJ)
So you want wisdom and understanding? The formula is simple and the master who put all in motion tells us how to find it. Yes, His hand is guiding us. This respectful and honorable fear of who He is and just depart from what we do understand to be evil.
In chapter 29 Job provides a couple of great affirmations: By His light I walk through darkness. (29:3) and The Almighty is with me. (29:5). What else do we need?
Not only does the LORD hear us but we are shown in 38:1 that God also answers us: Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: …(NKJ). He will answer whether it is out of the “blue” or out of a whirlwind listen closely as when the time is right He will answer and show His hand to us. So when we get high and mighty may we try to answer God’s inquiry in 38:4 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.
Hmmmm, Ok I get it God. I understand that you laid the foundations of the earth and not only was I not there I can not fathom how all of this comes together. So no, dear LORD, I do not have understanding. But, I do have You. I have You to hear my voice. I have Your answers to my questions that come out of the whirlwinds of life and I have Your hand upon me. That’s all I need. How about you?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
projectmathetes says
LOL! Have to laugh, Tom, because whenever we start to think we are just as smart as God, He goes and pulls out the whole, “Where were you when I created the heavens and the earth, by the way?” routine! Job is a great example and a steady fount we should all drink from whenever we get a bit too big for our britches.
It is wonderful to know that every time we open our mouths to speak or flex our spirits to pray that God, our Father, hears us. (He also sees us when we scratch our armpits and think no one is looking, but that’s another story.)
The Sovereignty, Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence of God is a sure thing. How blessed we really are to not have to fuss about with the stuff only He can handle.
tomraines says
Ha, have to laugh about the armpit thing too Donald! Yes, God can and does put us in our place doesn’t he?! I am sure get’s a chuckle out of how we begin to think we are something!! Thanks for stopping in!
Rachel says
Great post — to remember the power and vastness of God and yet how His hear is attentive to His children. Incredible isn’t it? I think we often make God too small – how can we not with our limited minds – I pray He enlarges my understanding and not box Him in. Our beliefs are everything.
tomraines says
Rachel, thank you for dropping in and sharing. INCREDIBLE indeed. Your post gave me a chill as i recalled a morning that God revealed himself to me in a way that I got a glimpse of his vastness and I got a physical high that made realize He was all I needed. He replaced the highs I was trying to get in other places. God please increase our understanding and increase our faith. Please don’t be a stranger Rachel and have a great day!