Today’s Scripture: It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found. Luke 15:32 ESV
Ah, wise words from a wise father. The prodigal son had returned and the father was throwing a celebration that was not pleasing to the other brother who was feeling sorry for himself. I have stayed here and served you father and you never threw me a party. This wise father reminded this disenchanted son that all that the father had was already his.
Do we need that reminder as well? Let’s back up to Luke 15:31 …“Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.” ESV. Now that is a reason to celebrate and be glad today isn’t it? We are always with our Heavenly Father and all that is His is ours! Wow, come on let’s celebrate!
The parables told by Jesus throughout Luke 15 are reason’s to be glad! When we were lost He came to find us; celebrate that! We can rejoice with the rejoicing going on in heaven when the lost are found. If in fact we are like the prodigal and have spent all we have away from Him, may we too rise up and return to the Father. What can you celebrate and be glad for today?
Today’s Prayer: Jesus, I am thankful You came after me when I was lost. Please continue to draw me near. I will continue to seek after You and rejoice. I find joy in repentance and acceptance in Your embrace. I too will diligently seek after those who are lost and rejoice with the heavenly celebration when they are found. Thank you for giving me all that is Yours. I celebrate Your majesty. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Brandon says
Isn’t that the truth! It is great to know that Jesus is always there for us…Just like the prodigal son parable!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Brandon! Thanks for stopping by.
Donald Borsch Jr says
I’m just sayin’. 🙂
Tom Raines says
Yes sir!!! Thanks Donald for your musical accompaniment! Carry on brother, another day of life! Rare Earth style…be rare!
Dustin says
If He didn’t come after me, where would I be? Great post, Tom!
Tom Raines says
Now that IS a scary thought, huh? Thankful indeed!