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Today’s Affirmation: The Lord will create a clean heart in me and renew His Spirit in me.
What happens when we fail; when we succumb to our flesh? Where do you go for hope? What do you do when your heart is full of remorse, guilt and feels distant from God? The wind is taken out of your sails because you once again have blown it.
What do you do? Can we do what David did in Psalm 51:10 where this affirmation came from:
“Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit within me.” (NLT)
After Nathan confronted David for his affair with Bathsheba and having her husband placed on the front lines of battle for sure death, David was feeling true remorse.
Just like us, David felt the seemingly insurmountable distance between who he knew God wanted him to be and who he was. Disappointed, guilt ridden, distant, alone were just some of David’s feelings I am sure. Have you ever been there? Are you there now?
When we fall to our flesh to own temptations where do we turn? First of all, like David in 51:2, I must cry out to God to wash me clean of my guilt and to purify me from my sin.
In 51:3, go ahead and confess whatever the shameful deeds are and confess that they haunt you day and night. Believe that God will clean my heart to be whiter than snow (51:7).
Oh, give me back my joy again; you have broken me– now let me rejoice. (NLT 51:8) I find some hope here that David shows the actions of God and not my own. My sinful nature and actions have brought me here. Am I supposed to work my way out of this? Not according to this scripture.
- Gives me back my joy
- Removes the stain of my sin
- Creates in me a clean heart
- Renews a right spirit within me
- Restores the joy of my salvation
- Makes me willing to obey Him
GOD does these things, not us. Oh my God, your wonder ceases to amaze me. In 51: 17 all you ask of me is a broken spirit. Father God, I CAN offer that. I offer you my broken and repentant heart today.
- Do you ever feel like your sin creates distance between yourself and God?
- Can you offer God a broken spirit and repentant heart?
- Can you trust God will forgive and renew your spirit?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life
Bill (cycleguy) says
It is an important affirmation to me to know that when I sin and come for cleansing He freely gives it.
tomraines says
Amen, Bill. Soooo thankful for His grace that I can’t even begin to comprehend!! Have a wonderful day!
Robin~ All Things Heart and Home says
“Create in me a clean heart…” how wonderful to know that He does the creating of a clean heart. I repent and He takes it from there…
tomraines says
Thanks Ms. Robin. So thankful He does it for us!