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Today’s Affirmation: I confess my sins and He is faithful and just to forgive my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
This promise from 1 John 1:9 is one many memorize and quote often. Great verse, great truth and also a great challenge to our understanding. Confessing great and yes He is faithful and just. The trouble is in the “ALL” for me. I used to think, oh no, this didn’t take. I have confessed but He hasn’t cleansed me from ALL my unrighteousness.
Expectations and our perspectives mean so much. What does this verse say to you?
I am so very thankful I can confess my sins to the creator God and have faith He will cleanse me from All my unrighteousness….at some point. As God sheds His light on my darkness more and more dark places are revealed. 1:7 says “but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”
I have specific sins today that I will bring to light and confess to myself, God and those who hold me accountable. I have found so much power in recovery groups that make it ok to not be ok and where the masks of righteousness can be removed. Ahhhh, so refreshing in the light. A safe place where you can confess and say I am struggling and not try to keep in the dark.
Romans 3:10 states it clearly: “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:” NO NOT ONE. Just confess it and don’t act righteous. Once we start hiding our sins this begins a process that the ruler of this world just loves. We condemn ourselves; our hypocritical lives confuse an already confused world. Where can we turn?
- Where does 1 John 1:9 take you? Freedom or guilt?
- Are you OK with confessing your sins and bringing them to light? Do you have another human you can confess all with?
- Do you feel Christians should be cleansed once and for all and be righteous or can there be a process?
- Are our sins a road block to God or just a magnet that draws us to Him?
I will live today in His light so my joy will be complete (verse 5), how about you?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life.
Robin~ All Things Heart and Home says
Good one for me today. Not that I don’t sin every single day but ya know, some sins are so tricky that you don’t realize they’re sins for awhile.
I’m letting go again. And asking forgiveness for trying to control my circumstances…which is just another way of saying I’m trusting in me not Him…sigh.
Thank you~
Cyndy says
“Once we start hiding our sins this begins a process that the ruler of this world just loves.”
This really hit home Tom! We live in a fallen world and Satan comes to lie and cheat and steal ~ he loves to see us struggle to cast doubt into our lives and our hearts. He causes confusion and chaos in the midst of our struggles only compounding matters! Like Robin, I don’t think all sins are as obvious as others. The ones that sneak up on you before you know it and sometimes only after Satan has used them against you (ones like unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, and control). Wow ~ I just told on myself, huh?! Those are hard enough to admit to ourselves sometimes, but to admit them to others…..that has taken me awhile (truthfully it is still a work in progress). What I am finding is that when I DO take them to my group of accountability partners, I am met with acceptance (not judgment), encouragement (not condemnation), support (not loneliness), and prayer filled with God’s promise (not the empty hollow words of the “world” ~ the ones that promise quick fixes/immediate gratification). I am finding my safe place to walk in the Light and because of that ~ God is using it to His glory to shine His Light in a darkened world! Thank you for this post! Blessings!
tomraines says
So thankful you were able to respond. I am with you. Like other predators, Satan likes to separate us from the pack where we are weak. When we try to hide our struggles, sins, or whatever it is…that darkness is a evil dangerous place. We can all encourage ourselves to be real and confess and seek His light and remember how our hearts are so thankful when hurting people are honest with us. Why do we think we would not be loved in return?? I appreciate your encouragment of these affirmations.
John Hickson says
I could write a book in response to this one, but I will spare you. 😉 One of my biggest struggles is pride. At some point I get tired of confessing the same sin and that’s where pride creeps in, so I quite confessing that sin. But this is insidious because after a time I quite confessing my sins altogether and for me that leaves a big pile of stinking unforgiven sin!
“……He will cleanse me from All my unrighteousness….at some point.” That’s exactly how I think. I wonder how displeased He is when I place Him in the same appointment as me. It takes some time to forgive a huge grievance committed against me, so it must take Him time too, right?
Confessing my sins to another….not! Been burnt too many times by gossip and betrayal . “Tell-a-phone, tell-a-fax, tell-a-fill in the name. Trust is no longer one of my virtues. Just another area God gets to put the chisel to in my life!
This was like doing a workbook today! Lol I need it.