Today’s Scripture: 3 John 1:2: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (NKJ)
What does “My soul prospers” mean to you? Prosper, prosperity of the soul, hmmm. I am praying this for anyone who reads this. You are reading it so I have prayed for you to prosper “JUST AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS”. How does your soul prosper? Have you felt prosperity in your soul? Do you recall the last time if ever?
This particular morning in my quiet time I found myself lying prostrate before God and saying and I quote “I HAVE NOTHING”; can I just lay here with You and listen? I did and now only recall one word that came to mind and that was confidence; confidence that the King of kings was with me there in my space and always. He reminded me that the last time I was in this similar crossroad in my life, HE provided a way. I DID NOTHING. I prayed He answered.
This morning He answered through scripture as well. I was directed to a small book in the bible this morning where this affirmation was found. Read on with me and just listen to these affirmations, I mean treasures I found in His Word in 3 John, 2 John and 1 John. Yes, I was reading backwards, go figure…
- The truth is in me. 3 John 1:3 How much more prosperity do I need?
- The truth that abides in me will be with me forever. 2 John 1:2 I am feeling pretty prosperous.
- I have grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father in truth and love. 2 John 1:3 Wow, read this SLOWLY and I is YOU. I HAVE BEEN GIVEN GRACE, MERCY AND PEACE FROM GOD THE FATHER AND FROM THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF THE FATHER IN TRUTH AND LOVE. Can you feel your soul prosper?
- We love one another. 2 John 1:5 Feel the love in your soul?
- My joy is full. 2 John 1:12 My soul is prosperous with joy.
- I have eternal life. 1 John 5:13 All debts are paid, and I am prosperous beyond this life!
- My confidence is in Him. 1 John 5:14. There’s that confidence word He spoke to me in my prayer.
- He hears me. 1 John 5:14 Wow, isn’t that cool? The LORD of Lords hears you!
- I know Him. 1 John 5:20 Do I need anything else? My soul prospers.
What a morning and what a way to start a day. I could lay there empty with NOTHING to bring to the table, yet He shows me in His word that I have all the prosperity I need in Him. Hasn’t He promised us? Why would I seek prosperity in any other place? It makes no sense, yet we do it day after day.
So, how does your soul prosper?
Today’s Prayer:Abba Father, thank You for being in me and living in me forever. Thank You for Your grace, mercy and peace, Thank You for Your love and Your joy. I thank You God for eternal life and the confidence to recall your promises and remember your free gifts to me. Thank You for hearing me. Yes, God I know You and my soul prospers.
Tom Raines Jr.
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