Today’s Scripture: Matthew 28:17 NLT: When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them still doubted!
Somehow, we have been made to feel guilty if we doubt or if we struggle to grasp this Jesus thing. Our understanding or our faith may be shaken and stirred at times, but we can and should still worship Jesus.
In these scriptures the disciples’ heads were still spinning from what had recently happened. They had witnessed the triumphant entry of their Lord into Jerusalem with everyone singing Hosanna to Him, to His beating and crucifixion and their scattering all in a few short days.
They were now on the mountain where Jesus instructed them to go. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him—but some still doubted. Do you still have doubts? Do you doubt yourself or even Jesus right now? Just worship Him. He is God, He has a plan, and you are part of His plan. Have no doubt about that!
Will you worship Jesus in spite of your doubts?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, You are beyond my comprehension yet I worship You. You Jesus are my savior. Forgive me for my doubts and continue to teach me as I worship You. Through my weaknesses You are strong, and I rely on Your strength to complete the mission, the purpose, You have for me. I trust and worship You. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
Teresa H Pridgen says
This is really thought provoking. How many times do we doubt Jesus? Here the very men that saw Jesus, touched Jesus, heard Jesus were doubting Him. Wow! We are all human and we can’t comprehend the miraculous events that our Lord shows us time after time. Thank you for sharing this!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Teresa for your kind words in 2018:)