Today’s Scripture: Luke 5:9 GWT: Simon and everyone who was with him was amazed to see the large number of fish they had caught.
But Lord…Many times we hinder our walk with the Lord by saying but Lord…you fill in your own blank here __________________. But we can also see that the “But do it anyway because He said so” can lead to amazement.
Like many of us Simon thought, “I have already done this, and it didn’t work.” He had already fished all night with no luck so his first reaction to the Lord’s instruction to cast his net here and now was one of fleshly doubt. “But at your word I will let down the nets.” Luke 5:5 ESV
We too will be amazed and thankful at what the Lord will do when we cast our nets where and when He tells us to. Our first reaction may be of hesitation and doubt, BUT we will do it because He tells us to. We will be amazed at what He provides. Will you respond to His call-in spite of your doubts?
Today’s Prayer: Lord, You amaze me. Remove all doubt. I am confident that You know when and where to cast Your nets. I will be faithful to Your instruction. Help me to hear You clearly and help me to be faithful. Keep Your Spirit of power and faith on me so I know that no matter the hesitancy of my flesh I know You have spoken, and it is true. Thank You Father for the wonder of Your word and the power of Your Spirit. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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