Today’s Scripture: Matthew 25:40 ESV: And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
What did you do to Jesus? We can go from great goodness to great evil in a split second, can’t we? One moment we feel the nobility of serving the King and the next feel the rottenness of rejecting Him.
We can feed the hungry and also starve the needy. I did THAT to Jesus? Just like those in Jesus’ day we can waive palms and sing Hosanna in the Highest one moment and scream crucify Him in the next.
The great thing is we can live from Him. We can allow our one and only teacher to guide us and correct us. Our Father cleanses us from the inside out. He opens our eyes to see Him. He helps us to stay alert and be ready for Him and His triumphant return. Let’s watch for Him and feed others along the way. What are you doing to Jesus?
Today’s Prayer: Father God thank You for Your word that lasts forever. Cleanse me Father and open my eyes to You in those around me. Help me to invest what You have given me into Your Kingdom and Your people. LORD, keep me focused on You and Your powerful and glorious return. Help me to remain ready and doing Your business. Keep me mindful that what I do I am doing to you. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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