Today’s Scripture: Like livestock that go down into the valley, the Spirit of the LORD gave them rest. So you led your people, to make for yourself a glorious name. Isaiah 63:14 ESV
The Spirit of the LORD is our only true source of rest. We can long for rest; long for a break. Do you have things in your life wearing you out?
The Spirit of the LORD will give us rest. Like Isaiah in 63:17 I wonder why God made us this way. Why did He make us to wander away from Him and fear other things over Him. Yet, ALWAYS when we exhaust all other searches for hope and rest He is faithful to save us and give us rest.
Exhausted and bloodied we often return to Him like His people of Israel and recognize His peace and His steadfast love. He never left us, we just wandered off. Wandered off chasing selfish desires or false promises this world offers.
Praise be to God for He is faithful. He gave us His Spirit that never leaves us and if we live in His praise and live in His Spirit He saves us and gives us His rest.
Has something caused you to wander away? His Spirit awaits to give you rest.
Today’s Prayer: Mighty LORD, Mighty Savior thank You for picking me up and carrying me. You Spirit of love and rest always welcomes me. Although I do not understand my tendencies to wander, I do know Your Spirit of love, rest and peace. Thank You LORD for giving me rest in You. Keep me in Your ways. Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Debbie says
What an encouraging word, Tom! Thank you! It reminds me of what He told me about rest, that not everyone could take vacations or get “rest” the way we might think of it. But that I could rest in His grace. 🙂 God bless you, Tom, as you let Him carry you today!
Tom Raines says
Thank You Debby, may we be refreshed by HIS rest. GREAT point that we allow Him to define rest as it may not be as we perceive or what we are looking for. The rest in His grace is so restful. Thank you!
jelillie says
Oh this rest the Lord gives in the midst of battle…in the midst of my coming in and going out is so sweet! Thanks Tom!
Tom Raines says
Thanks jelillie…the SWEETEST!
Caroline Gavin says
Ahhhh! I feel rested and refreshed in the reading! Thank you, Tom!
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your tender arms which do embrace;
You lift me up and carry me in Your eternal love and grace.
How sweet to know the rest and refreshment only You can give;
My Shepherd, I shall follow You anywhere, and only for You I live.
May our Father continue to bless you, may Jesus continue to guide you,
may the Spirit consintue to inspire you!! Grateful for you, dear brother and friend…
Tom Raines says
I second that AHHHH!! The Spirit of rest!! Blessings Caroline!
Caroline Gavin says
YES, the sweet Spirit of REST! Praise God for the refreshment, revival and rest He brings!!!