Where does ALL of my strength and my confidence lie? In the LORD. I am confident that He is. All confidence I have is in Him.
Today’s Affirmation was found in Proverbs 3:26: For the LORD will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught. (NKJ)
I place my confidence that one of these affirmations found today in Proverbs 3 will touch the person reading this that needed it.
Proverbs 3:
I trust in the LORD with all my heart.
I lean on the LORD’s understanding.
The LORD is my strength.
I honor the LORD with my possessions.
I have plenty.
The LORD corrects me.
I am Happy.
Wisdom is a tree of life to me.
I keep my eyes on wisdom and discretion.
I give when I have it.
The LORD is and in Him is all my confidence.
In Jesus’ name,
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
John 15:5 comes to mind “without Me you can do nothing.” That about sums it up for me. He has got to be my confidence.
tomraines says
Thanks Bill for stopping by on your day off! Great to have the peace and knowledge that He is the great I AM. I too woke up with a vivid dream this morning which is extremely rare. I did not immediately write it down as you did. Wish I did, I am seeking God and his meaning but I am confident that He was showing me the intimacy of this world wide web and gathering in the same room. Will keep praying on that one. Have a great day and I pray your message on Sunday will strengthen the body!
debiladd@gmail.com says
I teach school – and don’t have a lot of time in the morning – or even through the day as a single mom of 3. Your posts ALWAYS bless me. They are an answer to prayer really. So many of the other ones were good thoughts or personal experiences based on 1 verse – I reallly like the way you include scripture as the basis everything you say.
tomraines says
Thank you Debi for such encouraging words. You have made my day. I am so thankful for what God is doing here and for bringing people like you into my life. God is good and He will use us to spur each other on to all kinds of great works for Him. God we praise you! Debi, I am pausing to pray for you now and that He will give you the daily bread that you need and strengthen you through this season. I am blessed by your pariticipation in these affirmations of God. Have a wonderful weekend!
debiladd@gmail.com says
Oh – I just now saw the last affirmation….THE LORD IS…..what a comfort that is. What a change in thinking if we truly BELIEVED our lives were in HIS HANDS – HE CAN BE TRUSTED – HE IS THE AUTHORITY OVER ALL AUTHORITIES – and HE has already given us EVERYTHING WE NEED pertaining life and godliness.
tomraines says
Amen Debi! Cindy stopped by here a few days ago and said a profound thing that i haven’t stopped thinking about. She said she learned to believe God instead of believing IN Him and her life was changed. May we believe Him and instead of knowing OF Him we truly know Him. Yes, He is! Bless you!
Donald Borsch Jr. says
Isaiah 12:2 NAS, for your enjoyment, along with this excellent post by Tom!
“Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the LORD GOD is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation.”
It’s truth like that that keeps me grounded.
Donald in Bethel, CT
tomraines says
Amen brother! God is my salvation. Great Word!! I appreciate your wisdom and perspective and participation! Have an awesome weekend!
DonaldBorschJr says
I shall indeed have a great weekend! I will be engaged in the seemingly never-ending “Leaf War 2010”, taking place in my yard, against the countless leaves that have decided to attack me, quite unprovoked, I might add.
I wanted to link this little blog piece I just finished. It centers around Psalm 37, one of THE best Psalms I know that always sets my spirit at ease when The World begins to chip away at my confidence. Enjoy!
Donald in Bethel, CT