I am feeling very wealthy today. Wealth beyond measure. Are you wealthy? I think so. I was in Luke 12 this morning and the Word is reminding me of our value. Do you ever question your value? Do you worry about finances and other “things”? What possessions are most valuable to you?
Luke 12:7 reminds me that I am valuable to God. Me, valuable to God? Yes. We have heard it and we can be reminded about the sparrows and the lilies of the field. He knows what we need and He will provide it. Relax in that fact. No worries, God will provide what we need when we need it. We are valuable to Him.
In Luke 12:12 we are promised that the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say. Isn’t that freeing and strengthening. Can you have confidence in knowing you need not worry what you will say when you need to say it because the Holy Spirit is with you and will teach you what to say. Thank you Holy Spirit!
Luke 12:21 is the source of today’s affirmation: “So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” (NASB) We are instructed here to store up our treasures in heaven and not gather and hoard here on earth. We can be “RICH TOWARD GOD”. We are rich and wealthy with treasures in heaven. No worries.
In verses 24-30 we are told that God feeds us and He knows what we need. The wealth of these facts makes me feel extremely blessed and wealthy. My God, my Father feeds me and knows exactly what I need. In verse 32 we are told that God has chosen us. That affirmation resounds with me. “My Father has chosen me.” What a treasure. What wealth.
Luke 12:48 reminds us that with all of this wealth much is required of us. What will I do with all of this wealth today? What will you do with your wealth today?
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
joseph elon lillie says
We are called to break our alabaster boxes and pour our wealth back to Jesus. Thanks for this poignant reminder.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Joseph. God gave us His best and I pray we will do the same! Blessings as you give your riches.
joseph elon lillie says
And blessing as you give yours!