Today’s Scripture: We work hard and suffer much in order that people will believe the truth, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and particularly of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 NLT Tyndale
Thank God He is living and He is powerful. I feel exhausted, and maybe even suffer a bit, in reading 1 Timothy as if Paul was writing this to me. I wonder if Timothy felt that pressure. The pressure to be perfect, have you felt it?
Thank God He is living and He provides us with life. I would think Paul circled around purposefully after describing how we believers should live to remind Timothy in 6:13 that God is who gives us life. Timothy could and we can release the pressure knowing it is Him who we belong to and it is Him gives us life.
We need only live and rest in the fact that He is living and we just need to let Him live through us. His Spirit and His power is the only way we can live as He commands.
Today’s Prayer: Father I belong to You. It is You who gives me life. Thank You for living through all of us. I praise you as the living God who saves and empowers. I find energy in Your energy and in Your light. Live through me so I will encourage others. My hope is in you. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
As soon as I saw the title the song “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness” came into my mind. Your post affirmed that Tom. Thanks.
Tom Raines says
Test for sheryl
Brandon says
Great devo! This is true…it’s all for Jesus!
Tom Raines says
Thanks B for stopping by and chiming in!
Dustin says
My Hope Is In God. That is what I want my prayer to look like each and every day.
Tom Raines says
Amen, thanks Dustin!