Today’s Scripture: Luke 17:5 ESV; The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
The apostles living and walking with Jesus knew they didn’t have the faith He required. We don’t either. The Good News of Jesus Christ is that He is the author and finisher of our faith and He will increase our faith if we ask.
Jesus says we just need to have the tiniest bit of faith as small as a mustard seed and HE will turn it into a BIG, HUGE, illogical faith.
Let us keep going to Him like the woman to the judge in the following chapter. We must remain humble and realize, like the apostles, we need the Lord to increase our faith. We are unworthy servants called to do our duty. It takes Lord size faith to complete our duty and He will provide it if we will ask.
Have you asked the LORD to increase your faith?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, increase my faith. I thank You for the faith and healing You have already given me. LORD, increase my faith and forgive me for when I cling to my understanding or look back and consider things of this world. Prepare me, fill me to do Your will and keep my eyes towards You. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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