Today’s Scripture: They said his body was missing, and they had seen angels who told them Jesus is alive! Luke 24:23 NLT
Now what? Yesterday was Easter and we heard everywhere the good news that Jesus has risen, risen indeed! I can feel the question that the angel asked Mary in the tomb that first Easter morning in Luke 24:5 “Why are you looking in a tomb for someone who is alive?”
There was a time in my life where I think I worshiped the story about this Jesus and the amazement of it all but that is a far cry from suddenly seeing this Jesus who is alive today. Do we recognize Him? I have to wonder if I, like Mary, in John chapter 20 just do not recognize Jesus although He is standing next to me at times.
Or as we walk along our road like Cleopas and his friend walking to Emmaus, is Jesus walking beside us and we just don’t recognize Him? Jesus continues to teach today and suddenly our eyes can be opened. Have not our hearts felt strangely warm? Like those two Jesus followers I will go and tell my story of how Jesus appeared to me. Do you have a story to tell of how Jesus is alive in your life?
Today’s Prayer: I praise and worship You Jesus. I know You are alive. I thank You for Your Holy Spirit that makes my heart feel strangely warm and I know Your Spirit lives there. Thank You for teaching me through your prophets, Your Scriptures and Your presence. I do believe Jesus that when I retell my story like the two from Emmaus; You yourself are standing there with me. Thank you! Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
To me, the real test of His “aliveness” is not Resurrection Sunday. The real test is the next day, and the one after that, and the one after that. is He alive in my daily walk/ I pray so. Good thought for this Monday Tom.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Bill, alive. Living, breathing, active. Thanks!
Dustin says
>>>”Do you have a story to tell of how Jesus is alive in your life? ”
Thanks for the challenge today, Tom. I will be thinking about this all day long… 🙂
Tom Raines says
Thanks Dustin, enjoy. He is working through you. Where have you been, who are you that is unique and can show how God is using your life in His kingdom. You have a story, what is it? Thanks buddy for stopping by!