Today’s Scripture: Psalm 73:28 ESV: But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.
Like us, Asaph, who wrote this psalm, witnessed the highs and lows of life. He served under David and Solomon and experienced the wonder of God and the wandering of man.
Like us, he was tempted to fall for what the world offers. He almost fell for wealth and security. He says he almost gave up until he went into the sanctuary of God. Have you gone into the sanctuary of God? This is going into the Builder and not the building.
Going into the presence of God where we learn to fear Him over fearing life.
Coming to know Him instead attempting to understand life protects us from our own temptations and delusions.
Yes, it is good for me to be near God, how about you?
Today’s Prayer: LORD God, thank You for taking sanctuary with me. Only with You do I find Your strength, wisdom and understanding. Only with You can I keep my feet and my heart secure. You are my strength and I love being near You and confess my needs and thanksgivings to you. It is good. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
Julie Garmon says
Yes! It is so good to be near God. No other way to live. Thank you, Tom. Another Scripture you pointed out spoke to me (and to all of us!) today.
Tom Raines says
Blessings and thank you to you Julie! It is SOOOOO good to be near God. There is no other peaceful, empowering and hopeful place to be. All glory and love is His. Blessings my sister as you “simply” stay near:)