Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 17:22 ESV A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Joy takes me to a different place than being “happy”. “Joyful” takes me to a spiritual place even more than “cheerful” or “merry” that is used in other translations of this verse.
There is something about a deep abiding spiritual joy that neither the world nor anything else can provide or affect. This is not about feeling good. This is about being joyful because of who God is. I am so thankful to not have to rely on my feelings or my circumstances to have joy.
I am powerless to gain joy without God. Sure I can look for and do things to make me feel better but those are merely temporary fixes that most times leave us empty or depressed.
With joy I am full and this scripture says it is like good medicine. I trade everything I have for this joy and I FEEL GOOD. If my focus is to feel good, then I can miss out on joy.
Have you really experienced that childhood song; I have the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart? If not I pray you find it. If you haven’t contact me and I will pray with you to find it. It feels good and it is good medicine!
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I praise You and thank You for Your joy. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who fills my heart in spite of my circumstances. No matter what I face I know that if I turn to You and Your Spirit I find joy, hope, power, strength and peace. All of these things belong to You forever and ever. Amen!
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
It is good to know I can have joy when everything is crashing in around me and happiness is the last thing on my mind. Thanks for a good reminder today Tom.
Amen Bill. Either the crashing in is a time to move in the direction God intends or it’s time to meet Him face to face. Joy in either.Blessing Bill!