Today’s Scripture: My foot has held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. Job 23:11 AKJV
I have often said I am a step by step person; just show me the steps and I will take them. God has shown and continues to show His steps to us. We have His Word and we have this life He has gifted us with.
God’s way is truly amazing and His path is true. I can feel Job’s heart and determination here in Job 23. Like Job in verse 5 I KNOW I will hear God and I KNOW I will understand Him.
I will keep following after God. Like Job, there will be times when I will not perceive He is there but He is. As stated in verse 14, God will complete what He as appointed in me. Just as in Job’s case my trials will only make me more valuable.
My God is strong and He is revealing His steps. What step is the Almighty revealing to you today? Have you asked Him?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, thank You for paying attention to me. LORD I am stepping where You are leading me. I trust in Your appointment and remain steadfast and hungry. Your ways and Your desires are my only desires. Open my eyes and my heart to the steps You intend for me to follow. Please show me clearly my step for today. Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Thank you, Tom. Even though I have tried to walk with the Lord my entire life, this reminder is good to hear.
There are times when I don’t perceive Him, but still know that He is there – such a blessing! Then there are times when I am trying to walk with my eyes closed or looking away to other things and need to remember that it is not my way I need to follow, but His steps.
Amen, thank you Katy. Yes, we need constant reminder to turn to His steps and to know He is there when we turn away momentarily. Wherever we go He is there to gently bring us back. Blessings!
Thanks Tom! All day long God has been reminding me about steps I forgot to take. Time to go back and retrace my steps!
I am with you brother! He has that way of guiding and reminding, doesn’t he? I too have to look back and see where at times I get off His path…blessings!
Tom, once again speak to the heart! Thank you for allowing the Spirit to lead you!
Beloved Lord, grant that I follow always Your Way;
Still my thoughts that I may hear the words You say.
Step by step, day by day, Lord, please take the lead;
I follow wherever you go, as You fill my every need.
Awesome, thank you!! You are crazy good at this!
Tom, thank you so very much! Your encouragement is cherished, and I am grateful for the inspiration you continually share – for His glory!
Such a blessing to see siblings use their talents for the glory of our Father above;
May we glorify Him with our gifts, may we express His kindness, mercy and love.
Thank you, dear brother of mine, for allowing the Spirit to guide the words you write;
May the Holy Spirit fill your heart to overflowing, yes, each passing day and night!
Thank you Caroline, all glory is His! Thankful!
Tom, I’m a step by step person too! I love a list … love direction… you’ve reminded me today that He shows us the way…although sometimes only 1 thing at a time, not the whole picture.
…do the next right thing…
sometimes that’s all I can do, but it gets me moving forward.
Today (and for weeks) He’s leading me gently and I’m doing the next right thing…
thank you my dear friend
Thank you Robin for stopping by and sharing! He is faithful!