Today’s Scripture: So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment., 2 Peter 2:9 NLT
How many dreams and desires have we let die on the drawing board or delayed for years because of not knowing the “how to”. Godly and ungodly desires I have had that never took root only because I could not conceive how to get from here to there.
Whether I have needed rescuing or even sought to complete what God is calling me to do I have been guilty of saying I just don’t know how. How crazy that I can feel led by God and know His calling for my life yet come back to the thirty six square inches of my brain to try to take over the how to.
God, created this world, He created me, and He knows how. God, I confess I do not know how but I believe You do. LORD, I will go boldly in faith in You and Your know how.
Do you believe that God knows how to get you where He wants you?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty Father, I believe You know and will provide the how to. Forgive me for trusting in my understanding of how I am to move. LORD I trust You will reveal and provide the how to as I provide the small amount of faith and ability I have. I trust Your seed has been planted in me and You know how to make it grow. Thank You for rescuing me. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
sheryl mchugh says
So true! Those cursed ‘hows’ always get in our way. Believe in your vision and He will guide you – even when we don’t see the way, God makes the way.
Tom Raines says
Amen Sheryl! Paralized by not seeing how. Praying we just trust Him for the Hows and we just move in the direction He provides! Blessings!
Cindy says
Hey Tom-I do believe God knows how to get me where He wants me. Now if I would just get out of the way with questions like, “But what about what I feel?” Or “Can I just tell you what I think?” Or even, “Hey Lord, here’s what I want.” Man! Gotta make a decision…instead of asking those soulish questions, to go with affirmations directly from the Word of God, through Holy Spirit to me! Yes…in all my ways I acknowledge You Lord, so I know You will direct my path. Yes, I believe that Your same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives in ME, and it’s by YOUR Spirit that I can do all things. Yes! I believe that if I ask You for wisdom, You will not only give it to me, but give it to me liberally! And finally, yes, LORD, Jehoveh Jireh, I say, “HERE I AM!” Thank You Father for even wanting to use me, an earthen vessel…a cracked one at that. Better to let your Light shine through Father, and give YOU all the glory! Whew! And Amen! Sorry such a long one Tom…got carried away there! God bless you and yours! Cindy
Tom Raines says
LOVED it! Thanks Cindy, you are speaking and we know the truthes, don’t we?! They are written on our hearts now….we have to step out of the boat! The pep talk and reminders of who He is will overcome our fears and allow us to make that next step. It is just one step. We must step in faith first and then laugh at our self talk that discourages us! Blessings!
Cindy says
Maybe it’s obvious but, this is the Scripture that keeps coming up in my spirit Tom: ” By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Man, even though he did not know where he was going! Oh Lord, help me have that kind of faith..and that kind of obedience to YOU!
Tom Raines says
I am with you Cindy! We do not have to know where or how but just trust in His promises! Let us look to Him continually for His guidance and just GO!! Blessings to you!
Desiray says
I am a very firm believer that when God want to get something to you He knows just how to make sure you get it…And His children must walk by faith nothing else, faith is what moves the hand of God not our doubt..
Tom Raines says
Thanks Desiray for stopping by and commenting. Faith in God allows the fullness of His glory. Yes He knows. Blessings to you!
Debbie says
I love thinking about Him having the know how . .and me not having to worry about it. Thank you and God bless you, Tom, as He gets you where He wants you to be!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! Yes it is freeing and comforting to know He knows! Blessings to you!
jelillie says
I am enjoying catching up with your writing Tom! It has been so busy this last month and I am miles behind; But your blog always lifts me up. Thanks for showing me the “God who knows how to”. I am so glad He is in my life and is leading me in His paths!
Tom Raines says
Jelillie, I truly appreciate you stopping by as your words mean a lot to me. So thankful God knows and we can pray to together to encourage each other to follow His paths!