My greatest desire for Affirmations of God is to share how God speaks to us in His Word so others come to know the joy, peace, power and love that I have found in this “process”.
Today I came to 1 Peter to review a previously written blog where the affirmation “I keep my eyes on the qualities of God.” was taken from 1 Peter 1:9 which states “For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.”
I do not want to be so nearsighted that I am blind so I was re-reading the text and found the following:
Reading 1 Peter 1:3 I found affirmations I had yet to discover:
“I have the divine power of God” Say that affirmation to yourself out loud. I have the divine power of God. How does that feel. Is the spirit within you emboldened?
Here is how I can make this statement: 1 Peter 1:3(ESV) states: His divine power has granted to usual things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,
Do you see that? His (God and Jesus our Lord referred to in the previous verse) divine power has been granted to us. It is has been granted to us we have it, right? “in all things that pertain to life and godliness”.
“I have been called to God’s glory and excellence” we are told right here in this verse we have been called to His own glory and excellence. When you state this “I have been called to God’s glory and excellence.”, don’t you feel called to something greater than daily existence and the ways of man?
Can we not increase our knowledge of Him in His word while also increasing our knowledge of the promises and affirmations His word provides to us? We learn of His affirmation from the Word of God. May we receive His words and His promises to live out the calling we have already received. 2 Peter 1 is filled with affirmations, what others do you see?
Reading the scriptures in the light of seeking God’s affirmation has changed my life and I pray it will change yours. Blessings as you seek His affirmation and live from His divine power.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I praise Your name and thank You for Your divine power that grants us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Help me to continue to learn from Your Word and to teach others to come to know Your power, love, joy and peace. I ask all these things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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