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Today’s Affirmation: I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope.
Waiting, patience, that can be a tough one. A real longing of the heart is what David is voicing here in Psalm 130:5. This affirmation is an actual quote from David in the NKJV. Why have I always felt something is wrong with me if I have to wait? I must not be doing something right!
“Out of the depths I have cried to You, O LORD;” says David. This is a from a deep place in David’s heart that he is crying out. Whether that is deep within his soul he cries out or the depths of his lowest of low situations, he cries. Have you been in or are you in one of those deep dark places today? Or, do you just want what your heart desires. Either way, the patient thing tests us, doesn’t it? We are not a patient people.
Even the Israelites in the desert who had seen the majesty of God by fire at night, clouds during the day and a parting of a sea couldn’t wait just a few days prior to making a golden idol before Moses’ return to them. Impatience isn’t a new phenomenon.
“My soul waits” shows the yearning and the power of David’s desire. I am sure you have been there. In 130:6 David says he waits more than those who look for the morning. Imagine standing guard all night and how much you could not wait to see the daylight of morning so you may finally get some rest. Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.
Hope is so great. I love hope. Hope is so good for the heart and the psyche. In what do we hope? In His word is the encouragement of David. I love Charles Spurgeon’s commentary on this: “Waiting, we study the word, believe the word, hope in the word, and live on the word; and all because it is “his word, “–the word of him who never speaks in vain. Jehovah’s word is a firm ground for a waiting soul to rest upon.”
1. Are you waiting for something today?
2. Do you know what it is like to cry out from the depths?
3. Can you find hope in God’s word?
Hope is good for the soul. Faith in His word is a firm foundation. Cry out, wait and study. Seek the Lord with all of your soul. In verse 7 He promises we will find mercy and abundant redemption.
There is hope just wait a little longer; daybreak is coming.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life
Bill (cycleguy) says
Tom: I have been here-in the depths. I cried and cried out. Is.40:31 became so meaningful to me at that time. I pray that I will never forget that time (and others) when I had reached the end of my rope and found His hope there for me.
tomraines says
Amen, Bill. Thank you for sharing. Mount up wings and not faint. Have a great day.
patsy costner says
My son’s house was sitting in middle of Pennington Bend in Nashville. Monday afternoon it seemed he would be coming back to a flooded house. He moved everything to the second level hoping to save the furniture. Go to FB and Look at the water around his house. At Bible study, Mon night I was shaken. We prayed and yet in the middle of praying, I said, we are praying but he is “in” a flood. Water is already in the garage. I cried out to God, my heart ached, for my child and all those in the neighborhood. Do I expect a miracle or assume he cannot or will not intervene for Matthew in the midst of this disaster. Why should I expect God to perform a miracle just for my family.
He called me Tuesday , and said, “Mama, there is NO water in my house. We have NO damage. The neighbors were not so lucky. Their homes were flooded. I am overwhelmed with what God has done here. God lifted his house enough that the waters did not make it in.” It was not my faith that made this happen, nor our prayers, but faith in the God who answers prayers. God bless you and Robin as you walk through the “floods” in your life. My scripture in Ezekial this morning said that God created the miracles so that He will be glorified. Waiting is hard. We must be patient and let God show us what he purposes, and in the meantime…To God be the Glory.
Tony York says
I started ‘back’ to church several years before my wife would attend. She would come from time-to-time to appease me but she wasn’t interested in doing the ‘church thing’ It must have been 3 or 4 years before she finally gave her life to Christ and became a regular attender with me.
There were many times in those years that I was waiting on the Lord.
tomraines says
Ah, awesome. Thanks for chiming in. Great praise at the end of that wait! Always look forward to reading your insight on your blog Tony!