Today’s Scripture: Fear seized them all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us!” and “God has visited his people!” Luke 7:16 ESV
These people in Luke 7 had just witnessed Jesus raise a dead man. Because they were following Jesus they saw this miracle and realized God had visited them. They were filled with glory and praise.
Have you too been following Jesus and experienced a visit from God? The more I follow Jesus the more I know that God visits with me.
Following Jesus and His ways open wide the doors to visit with God. It is here in these visits that we come to know God and know for a fact that He is visiting with us. I glorify and praise Him and thank Him for visiting with me.
Do you follow Jesus and experience God’s visits?
If we are too busy to follow Jesus we will most certainly miss the miracles and God’s visits. Do want a visit from God? Follow after Jesus.
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for visiting with me. Forgive me when I follow my flesh over following after You. Thank You for Jesus’ example for us. I praise You and give You all glory for the miracles I experience. Teach me LORD so I may teach those yet to know how to visit with you. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.

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