Today’s Scripture: Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery—Galatians 2:4 ESV
True freedom that is what I have in Christ Jesus; freedom from the cares of this present evil age and freedom from the opinions of man. Paul was doing his best to explain this freedom to the people of Galatia.
Paul had learned to live in the revelation he received from Jesus Christ alone. He was bold enough to withstand the opinions of man and the current church leaders. Man has always had the tendency to define the rules we are to live by to show our faith. Paul was saying the rules of man are not where freedom lies.
Feel free to live to be the person God created you to be. Lay all other cares before God and trust in His revelation to you. You were not created to be anyone else. You were created to live in Christ. Live in that faith and you will know true freedom.
Will you live in the freedom of Christ?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for the revelation of Christ Jesus. Forgive me for the life I have lived in attempting to please man. I am thankful for the freedom I have found in Christ Jesus and pray for Your boldness to help me live there. I pray to You Father to live out who You set me apart to be before I was born. In the freedom of Christ I pray to bring You glory forever and ever. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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