Today’s Scripture: Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:14 ESV
I love to pray to God in the coolness of a spring morning accompanied by the melodies of songbirds. Are these birds singing out of instinct, praise or need? Probably some of all I imagine.
Praying also that the LORD hears the melodies of my heart I came to Psalm 90 today and sensed the satisfaction of my heart. My nature, my praise and all of my needs I lay before God in the morning and I am satisfied.
I trust that the Holy Spirit directs my heart as this psalm of Moses professes; I affirm to live with God today. I trust God to show me His work. I expect God to show me His glorious power. I know that the favor of the LORD is upon me. I do today the work the LORD has established for my hands.
Yes, I am satisfied, are you? What does your heart sing to God?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, I love You and thank You for Your steadfast love. I am satisfied in You LORD. LORD I pray You hear the songs of my heart. I sing of my love, I sing of my thanksgiving for Your love. I live in You LORD. Show me the work You have established for me. Thank You for Your glorious power and Your favor. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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