Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 61:7 ESV: Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy.
Have you experienced God’s everlasting joy? Isaiah beautifully reminds us that we that have this everlasting joy should share it with those who do not. We have good news for the poor. We have healing for the brokenhearted and freedom for those who are bound.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon us and we have great news to share. If you have not experienced it I pray you will seek the Lord with all or your heart, soul and mind and I can promise you will know an everlasting joy you can not contain.
Isaiah was professing this truth thousands of years ago and we can profess it today. The Lord our God is above daily circumstances and what this world offers. The land He has promised us is a land of everlasting joy.
Do you have everlasting joy you can share?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty Father, I praise You and glorify Your name. Thank You for the everlasting joy You have given to me. I pray that I can share You and Your joy to those who need it. Direct my path and guide my heart to share Your hope and Your joy. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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