Today’s Scripture: And he said to them, “When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Luke 11:2 ESV
The disciples had just asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Jesus begins, “when you pray.” This is not an “if” you pray. Regretfully, I spent the majority of my former life praying little. Although, like the Pharisee’s I could give a public prayer and would pray when special crises arose. As a rule, I didn’t pray.
Where are those things, better yet what were those things that I allowed to rob those moments with my Father? Father how holy You are and how close You are. Father I love You and You alone are holy. “Father” is an intimate term isn’t it?
Does not life begin here? Each and every day our Father is near WHEN we go to Him. An amazing chain of events begin as we pray with our Father. He does give us our DAILY bread. He is living. His Word is living. Just last week I was here in Luke 11 and today He is feeding me an entirely different meal. Luke’s mini parable in Luke 11:5-8 encourages us to be bold and persistent in going to the Father. How persistent are you in prayer with the Father?
Today’s Prayer: Father, You alone are holy. Thank You for promising to answer when I ask, seek and knock. You Father are faithful. Please help me to be faithful. LORD, I do depend on You for my daily bread. You and Your Spirit know what I need more than I and I only ask that You provide what You know I need. Help me as I act in Your Kingdom and Your will. To You and In You I pray. I love you. Amen.
Meg says
Good words, Tom. Thank you.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Meg!
Dustin says
Encouraging words today, Tom. Grateful that He does, in fact, answer us when we do come to Him.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Dustin! So grateful!!
kenny says
Good message today T! I find myself where you were. And then I wonder sometimes where HE is! Duh!! thanks for the message
Tom Raines says
Thanks Kenny! I am thankful God broke me through my addictions! When I began hitting my knees to truly seek Him my life began to change. When He became my number one priority of the day my life took on new passions and desires that just blow me away. Just hit your knees every morning and praise Him and He will reveal Himself. Mightily. Love you man!
patsy costner says
Tom, My dad and I were talking about not being able to sleep. Then I said, just try to read a chapter from the Bible or spend time in prayer and sadly I fall to sleep. My dad who is so smarter than I said….”What better feeling for a parent to have than for his child to fall asleep in his arms. What a picture. I also read some material on prayer that was talking about just praying with much silence and just letting the Holy Spirit lead you in listening and talking to God. I think that for far too long I have focused too much on the wording rather than the condition of my heart. I believe God listens for our heart rather than our words.
Tom Raines says
Agreed. This has also been something I have been trying to sense in communing with God. Seeking with the heart and getting my head and my mouth out of the way seems to create a heart for Him that He fills. Great point. Thanks Patsy!