Today’s Scripture: Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. Proverbs 22:9 ESV
Can you see what you have bountifully?
Do you trust that the LORD has given you something, a “bread” to give away? Our “bounties” may be different but they are bountiful. What have you been given?
Do you somehow think that what you have is less bountiful than those of others? They are not. What you have has been given by God for the express purpose of giving it away. We are not given our bounties to be hoarded. What you have is valuable and needed.
Look at your life’s experiences, your interests as bounty given to you by the Lord of Heaven. He will continue to give so trust in that and keep a bountiful eye and you will be blessed by sharing what you have.
Trust in the knowledge and Word of the LORD and know you have a unique bounty.
There are people poor in what you have, will you share it?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word. You do provide our daily bread and forgive me for when I do not share. I thank You for the bounty You have given me and I pray to give to those in need. I am thankful for Your Word and for the words provided through Solomon to remind me to keep my eye, my bountiful eye on You so I may give You to others. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
joseph elon lillie says
A great word Tom. We do have bread to share with the hungry. We need to share it not hoarse it. This world constantly tells us we do not have enough, but God says our cups run over.
Tom Raines says
Amen Joseph, this world attempts to rob, kill and destroy what we have to give. Our LORD is the God of abundance. An abundance of bread to give to the needy! He is running our cups over and may we boldly profess Him and give Him the glory as we share what we have! Blessings and sharing of your bounty!
joseph elon lillie says
It is only the using we get more.
Danny McHugh says
Tom my cup does run over but we fail to see. Today the word of God reminds me to share what I have. Thanks!!!! Danny McHugh
Tom Raines says
Thanks Danny. Your cup does runneth over. Let it spill! Blessings
Fig Tree Chance says
I only hoard diet Pepsi and TP–God bless you BIG brother Tom.
Debbie says
I liked how you show that we all have a bounty, Tom, and that God gave it to us in order for us to give it to others. Thank you for this fresh look (for me) at this! God bless you!
Julie Garmon says
Once again, Tom. I’d never noticed this Nugget in Scripture! Thank you.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Julie for taking the time to read, encourage and share. Bountiful blessings.