Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3 NASB) I am spiritually bankrupt LORD and am so very happy. It is no coincidence that right as Jesus sat down on the mountain to teach and opened His mouth the first words that came out were this verse.
I am sure the disciples and crowds sitting there that day may have heard it but not had time to digest it. Now that we have had time to live and experience this for over two thousand years do you think we get it? God and His Spirit are amazing and I am so nothing. Jesus said Himself that He only spoke those things of the Father. For Jesus to speak the things of the Father He had to be void of self.
The Father filled Jesus with His Spirit. Jesus said He had to leave earth so the Holy Spirit could fill us. We must make room for His Spirit. As I knelt before our Mighty God this morning I recall loving His wisdom and His Spirit with some confusion as what was the difference.
I will still study to know the difference between wisdom and Spirit but I do know I am thankful that He will provide the wisdom and the Spirit that I need. I love His wisdom and His Spirit and in that I am blessed. Blessed as in happy.
As I seek wisdom in my daily activities and try to do what I need to do I feel blessed when I just tell Him I don’t know but I trust His Spirit , His wisdom to guide me. Yes, LORD I am poor. I was taken to Matthew 5:3 this morning by the Celebrate Recovery Lesson 2 on being Powerless. This verse is the biblical comparison to Principle 1.
Principle 1: Realize I’m not God. I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable. Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.
Beatitude 1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you see a clear pattern? The very first thing we must know and accept is that we are spiritually bankrupt, we are powerless. To get to the next step, to be who God wants us to be we must know we can not do this.
Do you see it? This isn’t only an addiction thing. This principle isn’t only for sick people. ALL of us are sick. We are poor and the more we admit and know we are the more blessed we become.
Now I get it God. I don’t have to understand all things. I just have to cry out to you that I need you. I can NOT do this God. I do not even know how to order my day much less my life. BUT I AM TRULY BLESSED AND HAPPY THAT YOU FATHER GOD ARE RICH AND GENEROUS IN SPIRIT. Please Father God, show me Your Spirit and Your Wisdom. I am so happy and so blessed to know that I don’t know what to do. The first thing Jesus was telling us here was after you get this first part you will be on your way to understanding and fulfilling the Kingdom of God.
Has the world convinced you that it is wrong to be weak? Wrong to be poor? Where do our riches lie? What fills us and what fills our days? Are you blessed and happy to know He has promised and will give us exactly what we need? We just need to get over ourselves and realize He is God and we are not. Do you feel blessed?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Robin says
The world tells us it’s wrong to be weak, it’s wrong to be poor, it’s wrong to be ordinary, it’s wrong to fail…
As often happens when I come by here, you’ve written something that’s been on my heart. Just a moment ago I was praying about something, a prayer I’ve prayed a thousand times…sometimes it feels so average and ordinary to be me. Sometimes I feel I’m not doing enough. I thought God whispered…’what if I’ve called you to be ordinary’
After reading the affirmation this morning I think He may want me to remember the difference between His definition of ordinary and the world’s definition of ordinary.
He is God and I am not…there is serenity in that truth. Thank you…
tomraines says
You are not ordinary. You are special in your space. I for one think you are showing your heart and your gifts almost daily and impacting many people. That is not ordinary. We can be His where we are. Robin may we be exactly who He desires right now, right here. Although we do not have the platforms and visibility to the masses I pray we praise God and He uses us. I pray we He presents Himself through us to those He intends. To the lives you have changed, like mine, you are no where near ordinary. Your heart and writing gifts have changed my life and others. I love your heart and God is speaking through you. Thank you!