Today’s Scripture: Luke 6:21 NIV: Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
What do you hunger for?
Whether or not this verse in Luke is describing the sermon on the mount referred to in Matthew 5 or whether this was a different message that Jesus spoke to us, I know in my heart today that the hunger I am feeling is as Matthew stated for us in chapter 5 verse 6. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (ESV).
I do hunger and thirst for righteousness NOW. God is assuring me that He satisfies this hunger. He fills me with the spiritual food that is more than satisfying. So our bonus affirmation for today is: I hunger and thirst for righteousness, we can constantly be reminded of what we should hunger for.
Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness right now?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for the life and messages of Jesus. Thank You for revealing that I too often hunger for the wrong things. Thank You for not only caring for my physical needs but for satisfying my hunger for You.
LORD You are so faithful to fill me and to reward me and I praise You. LORD increase my hunger for You. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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