Today’s Scripture: Hebrews 13:6 NLT Tyndale: That is why we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
What do you fear? Where do you find help?
Do you fear losing relationships, losing a paycheck, or just losing the comfort of the known? Do you know in your heart that change needs to take place but you can’t seem to see how that will work?
These verses tell us to keep on loving and caring for each other and to remain faithful. We need to remind each other that God will never leave or abandon us. It may look momentarily as if all hope is gone but we can remind ourselves that the Lord is our helper.
We can be confident that the Lord will help us and sometimes that is through a friend. Friend, will you pray for me that I will be faithful and that the Lord will be clear in my direction? I will pray for you too. What is your need for prayer today? The Lord will help us.
Today’s Prayer:Lord, I am confident You are my helper. I also thank you for fellow brothers and sisters who can pray for me. Give me courage Father to pray and to ask for prayer. I know You guide our hearts and I ask You for faith and specific actions to take. Be clear with me Father through Your words and the confirmations of those who pray for me. Help me to pray for the needs of others. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.

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