Today’s Scripture: Luke 15:2, NIV- “But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
I am thankful that Jesus welcomes sinners, aren’t you? The Pharisees and teachers of the law were not as welcoming. This should convict our hearts and the heart of the church to be more like Jesus. Because Jesus is welcoming to sinners, He has welcomed us into His presence.
Luke 15:1 states that the tax collectors and sinners drew near to Jesus so they could hear Him. In the quietness and darkness of early morning I draw near to Jesus to hear Him. I am thankful He is so welcoming to me, a sinner.
Whether by song or by our hearts we know that Jesus will leave the ninety-nine to come after us as Jesus taught us in Luke 15:4-7. Sometimes I and the church are too consumed with what the ninety-nine will say or do to us. We are afraid to go against the crowd and establishment. Even the church is afraid of what other churches may say if they are welcoming those kinds of sinners.
No one said trusting Jesus would be easy or even make sense. Jesus was against the traditions of His day and ours. Who are we to judge? I am thankful that Jesus rejected all logic in finding and welcoming me.
Although many of us have run away from the goodness of God and the established religions of humankind, Jesus came and found us. We have learned that with our sins, fears, and conflictions we can draw near to Jesus and He always welcomes us and teaches us to trust the Father and welcome the Spirit of God by turning away from our sins.
Luke 15:10 is still a glorious image given to us by Jesus Christ Himself! “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (NKJV) The angels still celebrate today just as they did when we repented and chose Jesus. Let us welcome all and trust the welcoming love of Jesus to convict each heart to repentance.
Jesus continues to be welcoming and there is still joy in the presence of the angels of God. Are You thankful Jesus welcomes you? Are we welcoming others to come to Jesus with us?
Today’s Prayer: Thank You Jesus for welcoming me. I confess that I am a sinner, and I am repenting of my sins. Thank You Lord Jesus for coming to find me so the angels of God could rejoice. I do rejoice in You Lord. I am thankful that Your love and character are steadfast while we must continually humble ourselves before You and trust You over our instincts and egos. I am drawing near to You Lord Jesus and listening. My spirit knows the joy of the angels of our LORD. Thank You and Amen.
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