Today’s Scripture: Philippians 2:2, NIV- “then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”
We hear from time to time as some form of motivation that “pressure is a privilege.” In Philippians 1:29 we are told in the New Living Translation that suffering for Christ is a privilege. “Suffering” is relative, isn’t it? Inner turmoil, unpleasant consequences, broken relationships, and many more things can be classified as suffering to be sure.
So, where in all this suffering is joy? Joy is most certainly found in Jesus. Paul wrote this to the church at Philipi from prison, so he knew a thing or two about suffering. Yet here we are learning how to live in complete joy.
Regardless of our surroundings. Regardless of our sufferings. We can live, as Paul is pointing out, in one love, one spirit, and one mind in Christ Jesus. Paul said we could make his joy complete if we were like-minded with him. The truth is we can all have complete joy when we live Christ-minded.
Jesus stated in John 18:37, “For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” (NKJV) Jesus came to earth so we could know the truth of God. The truth is we find completeness in God and His Son Jesus Christ. Joy is not found or intended to be a privilege for us, but we do find it in Jesus.
Ok, Tom, there you go with that Jesus stuff again. Does it always come back to Jesus? Yes, yes it does. Outside of Jesus there is true, sad suffering, without hope. We can look around at the desperation of this world trying to find comfort and security in every other way. For those thinking the pressure of seeking power anywhere else is a privilege, I welcome you to taste the privilege of Jesus Christ.
One love, one Spirit, and one mind. Complete. The older I get the less I care to seek the power and privileges of man. In fact, I was just reading the scriptures this morning in John 19:11 where Jesus informed Pilate that he had no power over Him. Mind you, this statement from Jesus came AFTER he had just been flogged and had a crown of thorns crammed onto His head.
Still, He knew where His power lies. So can we. Resting in God’s power is where we find complete joy. Paul made sure we understood in Philippians 2:3 that the only way we can make our joy even more complete is to “value others above yourselves.” (NIV).
We can have the same mindset as Jesus. We too can know that we came to earth to share with others the truth and love of our heavenly Father. With this one focus of heart, mind, and soul we are complete and yes filled with a joy the privileges of earth cannot approach. As we take on the nature of a servant to all peoples of earth, as Jesus did, we come to know the exaltation and joy of God.
As we bow with Jesus to God our Father, we will rise to have God work out His salvation and His will in us to fulfill His good purpose for which we came. WOW, that there my friends is where we find complete joy.
Will we go and share the love and mindset of Jesus Christ today as we value all others above ourselves?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us first. Thank You LORD for sending us Your only begotten Son so He could bear witness to us Your truths. I am thankful Father God that we can hear the voice of Jesus as we serve others as He did. Thank You LORD for Your complete joy. Help us to share You and Your joy today. It is my privilege to share You, my LORD. Amen.
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