Do you have any worries you need to throw on God? Just throw them into the strong hands of God; He cares for you. Why do we hold onto anxieties and worries? Do we really believe God cares?
If we stand firm in our faith and believe God cares we can throw Him our worries.
We can trust His promise in verse ten that although we suffer for a little while God will restore, strengthen and support us. Yes, we may suffer a little while but it is not worry that saves us it is God Himself.
The promise here to you and me is that if we will stand firm in the grace of God, we who are in Christ will have peace.
Do you have any worries you need to throw on God today? Go ahead. He has strong hands and He cares for you.
Today’s Prayer: Father God thank You for caring for me. Thank You for Your Word that reminds me to throw my worries and cares on You. Thank You for Your strong hands that restore, strengthen and support me. Your support is all I need. Help me to stand firm in faith and to live in Christ so I experience Your peace. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.

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