Today’s Scripture: And he was seeking to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was small of stature. Luke 19:3 ESV
O that wee little man. The mention of Zacchaeus puts that childhood song in our hearts doesn’t it? Do you recall why he climbed up in that sycamore tree? Was it to see Jesus? I find it interesting in the scriptures’ choice of words. Not only did he seek to see Jesus He sought to see who He WAS.
Do we seek to know who Jesus IS or do we just seek to see Him? Are we looking from a branch in a tree from afar or have we come down to get to know Him? Like Zacchaeus, Jesus already knows who we are. To get to know who He is, to get to know Him we must spend some time with Him, don’t we?
Like Zacchaeus we should hurry and go and receive Jesus joyfully. He is revealing Himself to us. You come down; He is coming to your house today!
Today’s Prayer: Jesus, thank You for first knowing me. I want to know You intimately Father. Help me to be faithful in what You have given me. My words will honor You. Lord Jesus I want You to reign over me. Open my eyes LORD and I praise You for what I have seen thus far. Blessed are You King Jesus. Amen
Tom Raines, Jr.

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