Today’s Scripture: Mark 1:11, NIV- “And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.””
Can you imagine that day when Jesus went out to John the Baptist and was baptized in the Jordan? Mark 1:10 describes the scene as “And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove.” (NIV)
Various translations described the parting of heaven as being torn open, splitting apart, and breaking open. Out of this torn open heaven I can only imagine what it must have looked like and sounded like to hear the voice of God expressing His love. God-sized love. How much deeper, wider, and more powerful is God’s love than the love we can comprehend?
1 James 4:19 states that we love because God first loved us. We also recall the promise of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV)
God tore apart heaven so we could know Him and His love. Jesus, His only begotten Son, came to earth so we could know God’s love for us. Thank You LORD for loving us. Thank You Holy Spirit for descending upon us. Thank You Jesus for coming for us.
In the very next verse, Mark 1:12 we are told that the Spirit immediately drove Jesus into the wilderness. We have been driven into our wilderness. The great news is that the Spirit that was with Jesus, the angels that attended to Him, and the promises of God’s Word that protected Him will protect us.
I have found the closest I have come to experiencing God’s love is when I do as Jesus did in Mark 1:35. Very early in the morning, while it is still dark, I get up and go off to a solitary place, where I pray. Here in the darkness, I can almost see the heavens being opened and feel the Spirit of God descending and know a love that can only be of God.
If Jesus, who the love and Spirit of God descended like a dove, desired to be alone with God, it is certainly required of us to know the fullness of God’s love and to be prepared to do as Jesus in Mark 1:38 to go and fulfill why we have come.
I am praying we rise and live out the love and purposes of God today.
Today’s Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love. Thank You for sending us Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending us Your Holy Spirit. Because You first loved us, we can love. Father God, we pray that Your angels and Your Spirit tend to us today wherever we are. Lead us Father God today so we fulfill why we have come. Make us willing LORD to share Your love and Your healing powers. I love You LORD and pray to be an instrument of Your love today. Amen.
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