Today’s Scripture: Luke 3:11, NLT- “John replied, “If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry.””
Now what? This was what the people were asking John the Baptist after they came out to the wilderness to find him to be baptized. God and His message still come to us in the wilderness.
Luke 5:16 teaches us that Jesus “withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed.” (KJV) Jesus knew He and we needed to get away from all the noise and demands of life. Everyday life has always encroached on our wilderness experiences. We must get away.
When we are out in the wilderness seeking God, we find that the Holy Spirit descends on us as He did Jesus in Luke 3:22. Ok not exactly like Jesus, but He does descend. Not only do we find the Holy Spirit in the Wilderness we also find that the Holy Spirit is who sends us or draws us into the wilderness.
As Luke 4:1 states, “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.” We know Jesus fasted and was tested over the following forty days. We too are tested in and out of our wilderness moments.
When the Holy Spirit comes to us in the wilderness, He clothes us and feeds us with things we can share. We too can cry out in the wilderness about the glory of God’s salvation we have seen. As we cry out, we are a part of God’s plan that promises that “all flesh shall see the salvation of God” as stated in Luke 3:6 and Isaiah 40:5.
Although we are not the savior of the world as Jesus, we can help bring someone to the LORD. Although Isaiah’s words were specifically about Jesus, His words also pertain to us and our “ministry.” Our ministry is to share what we have. You and I can know that as Luke 4:18 and Isaiah 61:1 state, ““The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;” (NKJV)
It is wild what the Holy Spirit can do with a few seconds of quiet in our lives. We do not need to travel far. In most instances we may only fall to our knees right where we are, and we will witness the Holy Spirit descending on us to give us what we are to share. Will you share what you have today?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for meeting us where we are. Thank You LORD for Your Holy Spirit who calls us to and descends upon us in our wilderness. Feed us LORD the daily bread we are to share with all others. We do know that all flesh will see Your salvation. Help us LORD to witness Your salvation today to those we may share. In Your Spirit and favor we do pray to be Your witnesses to all the world. Amen.
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