Today’s Scripture: Philemon 1:3 ESV: Grace to you and peace from Godour Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
My only peace is from God was my thought as I awoke this morning. It came back to me as I prayed. I had previously captured this affirmation: “God gives me grace and peace” previously. Capturing and constantly reminding myself of this truth are two different things. I pray the Holy Spirit will constantly remind me of God’s grace and peace.
My ONLY grace is from Jesus Christ. How often have I breezed through what I think are only words of salutation from Paul to find out that they are the basis of all that will follow. All else I will do, all decisions I will make, all joy I will find begins and ends wit grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
What is the Holy Spirit reminding you of today? I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers.
Today’s Prayer: Father God I praise You for Your peace and the grace from Jesus Christ. You are all I need Father. I am listening for Your Holy Spirit today to remind me of all You have promised and I pray to follow Your direction. Give me the confidence and comfort to know You are all I need. I will go boldly where You lead and love all people I encounter today with Your peace. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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