Today’s Scripture: Hebrews 4:11 ESV: Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.
We have to strive to believe God to enter His rest. Believing in God does not come natural to us. We carry the “same sort of disobedience” referred to in this verse which was unbelief. Do we believe God?
God was angered by those in the desert because they did not believe. He had spoken and promised them the land, but the people doubted when they looked to using their own strength. Do we do the same thing? Do we say we believe but live our lives every day as if it is up to us?
We have a choice today; we can choose to have confidence and rejoice in the promises of God and find rest or we can put things in our own hands. If we strive to believe, really work at it, we find rest of God because everything is complete.
Do you strive to enter rest?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father thank you for making everything complete. You said it was good and You built me. Your word Father has pierced my soul and I will hold firmly to Your word. Thank You for Jesus who understands my weaknesses and gave me grace. With this grace I confidently approach Your throne and believe. Help me to maintain my faith until the end. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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