Do you believe that the LORD leads you today? Really, do you think the creator of all the universe could possibly take you somewhere today you do not even know?
What is your initial reaction to that question? Do you think that God is or even could be that intimately involved with your life? The things you think about today the people who cross your paths are they there at this very time this very moment to continue to bring God’s kingdom to earth? Is life full of coincidences both great and small? I just have to ask.
Will the LORD take us places with or without our awareness? I am clueless and amazed at how blind I can be. Blind and yet the LORD leads me. I am blind although I think I can see. Is it possible we are lead; we are guided by the LORD?
There are times when I don’t think God is involved in every little detail and then there are times that I gasp and think how can that be? This may seem trivial to those that read this but once again I had to just stop and gather my thoughts as I thought, God this is just too weird. If this is your first time reading these affirmations from God I know this may be somewhat odd, but here goes one of those moments.
For several months I have been following the Celebrate Recovery materials to go to scriptures John Baker references there and I have been looking up these scriptures to see if I have searched for God’s treasures of affirmations there. However, for the first time my last blog was written without going to my last stopping point in the Participant guide one. I was challenged and intrigued by a fellow blogger Bill at Cycleguy’s Spin to look at Colossians 1. I would link to that writing on January 14th but do not know how, sorry.
However, today three days later I returned to my “normal” pattern and began to look up the scriptures. I stopped and had to clear my thoughts for a second as I looked at the very next scripture that was in the Participant’s guide 1 for me to look up and it was Colossians 1. Wait God, I didn’t even come here and Bill certainly doesn’t know where you have me. Did you have a purpose in this or is this just a weird coincidence?
God, you are working through Bill in his heart, me here in mine and John Baker’s back when he wrote this in1993. How did this happen? What does it mean? Nothing? Everything? Somewhere in between? I don’t know but I find it very strange.
The next scripture I have arrived at on this day getting back to the Celebrate Recovery guide is Isaiah 42 which is the source of today’s affirmation: The LORD leads me in ways I have not known. This was harvested from Isaiah 42:16 where the prophet Isaiah says:
I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. (NIV)
Ok, I know my story isn’t earth shattering but it does cause me to pause. How has the LORD lead you when you were blind? Do you believe God can and will guide you? Do you have a story or where God has taken you from darkness into light? I know I have. God has taken me from my world of alcohol addiction to the bright lights I am finding in His word. Would I be seeing these affirmations in such light if I had not come from such darkness? How about you? Has the LORD made some of your rough places smooth and some of your crooked ways straight?
Is it possible that God is guiding us now, this very moment to unfamiliar paths? I believe so. LORD please guide us although we are blind and deaf at times as you promised through Isaiah o so many years ago in Isaiah 42: 18: “Hear, you deaf; look, you blind, and see! (NIV) Lord give us ears to hear and eyes to see along this path you are taking us. I trust you and pray that I am faithful. Thank you LORD!
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Julie Garmon says
Oh, yeah. I have stories where God has taken me from darkness into light! He keeps doing it. No other way, is there?
tomraines says
No other way with Him Julie! It does amaze me how there were times in my life I CHOSE to stay in darkness somehow thinking that was the good part. How I robbed myself of HIs glory. No other way Julie, and thank you for sharing. Oh yeah!!
bill (cycleguy) says
He could do a whole lot better job if I wasn’t so stinkin’ bull-headed and thought I knew a better way. things are a whole lot better when I follow His leading instead of taking things into my own hands. Thanks also for the mention again Tom.
tomraines says
Thanks Bill, we can be amazingly bull-headed, can’t we??!! I will have to spend some more time in Colossians 1 as He was going to make sure I got there one way or another! I have to think the way you framed it as a teachable moment was key to find the treasure that He had hidden in there that very day for me. I am sure when I go back it will the message He intended for then. What a great God we serve!!
Donald Borsch Jr. says
Here’s link to blog posting Tom is mentioning:
Tom, good stuff as always. I wonder about unfamiliar paths that He will bring me down as I follow Him. Thanks for reminding me of this!
tomraines says
Thanks Donald. Kind of fun to wonder where He will take us, huh?! You will have to bring me up to speed on some of this technical stuff. How do I link to one of my previous posts? If I just put in my http address will it just take me to the most current? Thanks!
Robin says
Tom! I love hearing about these kinds of God “coincidences”! I believe that God leads us in so many ways and that we’d be shocked if He showed us His hand in our lives. When I’m tuned in, I see more-hear more…but so many times I’m out in La-la land and completely oblivious to His guidance … then I hear about a “coincidence” like yours and I remember to tune in .
Today I’m praying to be keenly aware of His hand in my life.
tomraines says
Thanks Robin, He is just amazing. I never thought I would see a burning bush but He does continue to show Himself to us! Praying for you as you are praying for me!