Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 17:22 ESV: A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Joy is a world away from feeling good.
There is something about a deep abiding joy that is not about feeling good. I am so thankful that I do not have to rely on my feelings or circumstances to have joy.
I have joy because of who God is not because of what is happening to me. I am powerless to gain joy without God. With God’s joy I am full of good medicine.
I will give up everything I have to know God’s joy and in return I feel good. I have found if I seek to feel good, I miss out on joy and find sadness and depression.
People and things will leave us and break our hearts but the joy of the LORD lives forever in our hearts. God’s joy is indeed good medicine and it feels good.
Do you want to feel good or do you want a joyful heart? Choose your medicine carefully.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I praise You and thank You for Your joy. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who fills my heart in spite of my circumstances. No matter what I face I know that if I turn to You and Your Spirit I find joy, hope, power, strength and peace. All of these things belong to You forever and ever. Amen!
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