Today’s Scripture: John 3:33, NLT- “Anyone who accepts his testimony can affirm that God is true.”
John 2:25 clearly states that Jesus “did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.” God knows what is in each of us, so He sent Jesus to be our witness and testimony. As Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:11, “people do not accept our testimony.” (NASB)
Although Jesus does not need our testimonies, He can use us to draw people into His light. John 3:20 states the truth that most people do not want to go to the light of God in fear of what will be exposed. I have found that was is exposed becomes our light because Jesus is our Light.
The Word of God is living and is exhaustive in reaching into every fiber of our being. At the end of the day, we learn to affirm that God is true. In John 3:19, John tells us “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”
We can affirm today that we love the Light of God more than darkness. The more we love, learn, and practice God’s truth the more we come into His light. As John the Baptist shared in John 3:30, Jesus must increase, and we must decrease.
I simply know one affirmation that feeds all others, “I affirm that God is true.” We find the truth about and of God in His Word. As we seek Him and His truths we are drawn to His Light. As we live in the Light of God others too will be drawn to the Light of God.
Jesus is the Light of the World who came to save this world. I believe this is true, don’t you?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, I affirm that You are true. I affirm that Jesus Christ is the Light and Savior of this world. Draw us to Your Light Father God so that we may be Your witnesses. Father, we pray that people believe You and our testimonies of how we have witnessed Your Light. Thank You LORD for loving us and giving us Your only begotten Son so we may have everlasting life. In the name of Jesus Christ, we do pray. Amen.
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