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Today’s Affirmation: The Lord has put His Spirit in me and I live and He will place me in my own land.
May the Spirit of God breathe into us and make us alive today. May you claim the land where He has you today. This affirmation comes from Ezekiel 37:14 where God is speaking to Ezekiel in the valley of the dry bones. I will admit my biblical knowledge and understanding of this story may be only as intellectual as the old children’s song, dem bones, dem bones dem dry bones…yep that’s about the extent of it. Please excuse my context but feel the breath of God in this promise.
I just love in Ezekiel 37:5 the statement that the Lord says He will make breath enter those bones and they will come alive. Lord, God of Heaven breathe your life into me today and make me alive. Thank you Father. Wow, breathe in the Holy Spirit of God. Become alive, not just to live but to be alive existing on the breath of God.
Now that is living. The drudgery of day to day worldly existence can blind us from living. No, we can not just check out of this world, but we can breathe in His spirit and trust that He will place us in our land. Yes, I know the land God was speaking of in Ezekiel was for the Israelite people to be given their land. Do you believe God has a land, a place, a space where He wants you to be? Are you there now? Do you hope of a future land?
Am I in the land He has promised Me? I do know that today, but Father I ask you to fill me with Your Spirit right where I am. Please make me alive here and now in this valley. I praise you for the life you have breathed into me and brought these old dry bones to life.
Breathe it in. Be alive today. The same God who breathed life into those dry bones years ago can breathe into us.
1. Can you ask God to fill you with His Spirit today?
2. Are you in the land God wants you to be in or is there another land in which He is leading you? Do you have faith and hope that He has a place for you?
3. Will you just live today or be alive? Breathe in the breath of the Spirit. Can you feel it?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life
The freshness of this post is what strikes me. If I don’t take time every day to ask God to fill me with His Spirit, life quickly becomes drudgery.
And the land that God has for me…hummm, there are answers to that on about 10 levels. But I’m pretty sure I’m not there yet.
I’m asking Him to fill me fresh every morning and I’m trusting Him to bring me into the land He has for me.