Today’s Scripture: For my brothers and companions’ sake I will say, “Peace be within you!” Psalm 122:8 ESV
Do you sense any difference between “peace be WITH you” and “peace be WITHIN you”? I am sure I have skimmed over these statements many times in scripture yet today the WITHIN hit me, well, within. The more I go to the Father the more I have come to trust the peace and the Spirit within.
I know I can not trust myself. This morning I asked God and His Spirit to write His words deep within me so I did not have to rely on my unreliable mind. LORD, I trust Your Spirit to commune with You and to fill me with what You desire.
He is faithful and here I come to Psalm 122 where the Psalmist asked this for his family and friends. I will do the same and ask this for all of you, peace be within you.
Have you experienced peace within?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I praise Your name and thank You for Your Holy Spirit. LORD thank You for allowing me to know Your peace that is within me and I pray Your peace be within my friends and family. LORD help me to live more and more of my life from within instead of my fleshly desires to find peace without you. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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