Today’s Scripture: (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, “Follow me.” John 21:19 ESV
In John 20:31we are told we are given these words written in this book so we may believe that Jesus is the Christ.
If we will be like Mary in John 20:1and go to Him early, while it is still dark, we WILL know Jesus is the Christ. Just as the disciples in John 20:9 we have to follow Him even if we do not understand.
It is not about understanding, it is about going and following and trusting that He will direct us where to cast our nets and having faith He has prepared a place for us. We show our love for Him by following; REALLY following and doing His will. It is no coincidence Jesus asked Simon Peter, “do you love me” three times. When things are tough, do we really live as if we love and trust Jesus as the Christ?
Jesus is asking; do you love me? Will you follow Him now while there is still time? (meditate on the words in parentheses)
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for your Word, I believe and confess that Jesus is the Christ. I am following You now. I am following the wants you have placed in my spirit through Your Holy Spirit. Lead me not into temptation but into the desires of Jesus. Help me to feed Your lambs, tend and feed Your sheep with the words You have given me. I am following You Jesus, My Christ, now. Amen
Tom Raines Jr.
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