Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 23:26 KJV; My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.
Who or what will we give our heart to today? Not lip service but our very heart. Who and what will we chase after today?
This seems to be where the rubber meets the road and where the conflict of life and God’s instruction intersect. When our feet hit the floor and we begin today’s race where are we running? Proverbs 23 is full of promise and warnings.
Are we tempted to run after deception of riches? Do we live for success driven from our envy of what others have? As stated in verse seven, as we think in our heart so are we. What are we thinking about?
Are we thinking about God’s instructions and wisdom? Do we think about and fear the LORD all day long? This is hard in the face of today. Yet, at the end of the day will there be rejoicing or exhaustion?
Who and what will receive your heart today?
Today’s Prayer: LORD God, I give You my heart. I need Your power and Your instruction to guide my heart in Your ways. Help me to acquire Your truth, Your wisdom, instruction and understanding. Help me to keep my eyes on Your ways today and everyday. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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