Why do I try to understand God? As I read Ecclesiastes this morning I realize how much I do not know and how much I do not understand. No, I am not depressed I am restating this affirmation that came from Ecclesiastes 11:5: As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. (NIV).
It’s OK; we are not supposed to understand God. After all He is God, the creator of all things and we are not, right? Day after day it seems I try to figure Him out and understand Him. Then, days like today where I only have a few minutes before having to leave for an appointment and He directs me to Ecclesiastes.
Why Ecclesiastes, why today LORD? If you haven’t read it in a while, please take a stroll and get a sense of Solomon’s (believed to be the author) spirit as he wrote this book. To turn this affirmation into a “positive” affirmation I first claimed the affirmation “I am amazed by God.” I am and I certainly don’t pretend to understand Him.
Although the “all is vanity” kind of downer tones to this book there were several things that amazed me this morning. Once again, I did not go searching for content I just went to Ecclesiastes due to a verse shown in the Celebrate Recovery Participant guide one. John Baker used The Living Bible reference to Ecclesiastes 11:4: “If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.”
At first I was amazed because God just spoke to me yesterday about taking steps knowing I am secure in Him. Now you are saying if you wait, you will never get anything done…what are you saying God. I don’t understand? Is there some place you want me to go?
A couple of things stood out to me after I accept the fact that I don’t understand. Ecclesiastes is clear that we should eat, drink and enjoy the good of our labor. I can feel a slow down and smell the roses type of feeling. Ecclesiastes 2:24 says Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God. (NKJ)
My soul should enjoy good in my labor. May we work hard, eat, drink and our souls enjoy the good. Do we slow down enough to enjoy the good, if any, that is in our labor. Is there good in your labor? What are the fruits, what has God gifted you with?
Another point I took from Ecclesiastes this morning was chapter three. You know this one To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:
Then for eight verses the writer shows that there is a time for everything. What time are you in right now? Do we really know what time it is? Do we even slow long enough to consider we are in a certain time?
Ah, the vanity of it all. I don’t understand God. But, that’s OK. I do understand that all things are a gift from You LORD and I do want my soul to enjoy the good in my labor. I just pray LORD and thank you for Ecclesiastes 5:20 where you promise “God keeps him busy with the joy of his heart.” Keep me busy Lord with the joy of my heart, more importantly with the joy of Your heart. Help me to understand.
Thank you LORD, open our eyes to your gifts and may we enjoy the good and keep busy with the joy of our hearts. What time is it for you? It’s OK if you don’t really understand.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
Tom: of all the affirmations you could done today other than God is Sovereign, this is one. we are facing an uphill battle with something in-house and it just breaks my heart. I don’t understand it happening but it also reminds me of the sin habit of man. Thanks for reminding me that even though I might not understand (God) I can still trust Him.
tomraines says
Bill I do praise Him. God you are great. Thanks for reminding me also to trust as He draws me to a message ithat’s not for me. Why o why am I so self centered. Thank you God for using me inspite of me. Love you Bill and pray that you can find some peace in God’s unimaginable power as you deal with what is seen!! Praying for you my friend!
Meg says
Tom, thank you for the reminder that God’s timing is perfect timing.
tomraines says
Thank you Meg. He is perfect and His timing is unbelievable and unpredictable. Have a blessed day!!
projectmathetes says
I am glad you don’t understand God, Tom. I’m glad I don’t either. I fear that, knowing how we are as His creation, we would simply become bloated in or own arrogance and start building Towers of Babel in our backyards.
The Sovereignty of God our Father. His ways. His thoughts. I love not being able to “pin them down”.
Good stuff, Tom.
@Bill, Not to be nosy, but for what it is worth, I shall be speaking to our Father about the stuff going on in your fellowship. Not that I know any of it, (I do not), but that I will adamantly ask that His will be done, regardless of whose feelings get hurt in the process.
tomraines says
Thanks Donald! I too am thankful because I struggle with seeking security in my understanding only to find that that is no place to lean. I can only trust in Him! Joy